Page 37 - 2011 SDCA Project
P. 37
WALLS before failing. The coating should be water-based, low VOC, anti-microbial and exceed Potential manufactuers may include: 6-5
3000 scrubs. Scuffmaster, MDC
There are several key components that can improve walls in recreation spaces and Potential manufactuers may include:
contribute to the overall sustainalbility of the facility. Scuffmaster, MDC BETTER – Ceramic or Porcelain Tile
A standard for many years, in combination with an epoxy grout, tile can provide a
• Acoustics - As recreation spaces are typically a series of hard surfaces, noise GOOD – Low VOC Paint: durable flooring that will last years.
reduction can enhace in the most severe of these spaces through utilizing acoustic wall Low VOC paints have improved in their durability making them a viable option for a
panels. Wall panels can range in color and configuration, be tackable or impact resistant high use environment. Paint should meet LEED /GreenSeal Standards for all types.
and have NRC ratings ranging up to 1.10+. The gym, lobby and dance room may be Potential manufactuers may include: GOOD –Low VOC Epoxy Paint:
areas that would beneft from this treatment. Benjamin Moore, Duron, IPC, PPG, Sherwin Williams Low VOC epoxy paints continue to improve in their durability making them a viable Interior Finish and Material Recommendations
• Light Reflectance - Just as with ceilings Light Reflectance of the walls can help option for a high use environment. Paint should be water-based and meet LEED /
with levels of illuminance in the space and enhance natural lighting. Gym/ Kitchen GreenSeal Standards for all types.
• Antimicrobial - in an environment that has a constant stream of people day in Potential manufactuers may include:
and day out it is prudent to incorporate antimicrobial properties in the products used BEST – High Performance Coating Benjamin Moore, Duron, IPC, PPG, Sherwin Williams
on walls to assist in inhibiting microbial growth. High performance coatings are defined by the number of Scrubs they can withstand
• Durability - The Adams Park Recreation Center is primarily a concrete block before failing. The coating should be water-based, low VOC, anti-microbial and exceed Remaining Spaces
structure providing one of the most durable wall surfaces for a recreation facility. Any 3000 scrubs.
wall panels added for aesthetics or acoustics within a person’s reach should strive to Potential manufactuers may include: BEST – High Performance Coating
achieve the same or similar level of durability. Scuffmaster, MDC High performance coatings are defined by the number of Scrubs they can withstand
before failing. The coating should be water-based, low VOC, anti-microbial and exceed
BETTER – Low VOC Epoxy Paint: 3000 scrubs.
Corridors/ Lobby Low VOC epoxy paints continue to improve in their durability making them a viable Potential manufactuers may include:
As potential signature spaces of the facility, there may be additional asthetic improvements option for a high use environment. Paint should be water-based and meet LEED / Scuffmaster, MDC
in these areas. The BEST scenario illustrates this option. GreenSeal Standards for all types.
Potential manufactuers may include: BETTER – Low VOC Paint:
BEST – High Performance Coating w/ Decorative Wall Panels Benjamin Moore, Duron, IPC, PPG, Sherwin Williams Low VOC paints have improved in their durability making them a viable option for a
High performance coatings are defined by the number of Scrubs they can withstand high use environment. Paint should meet LEED /GreenSeal Standards for all types.
before failing. The coating should be water-based, low VOC, anti-microbial and exceed BETTER – Low VOC Paint: Potential manufactuers may include:
3000 scrubs. Decorative wall panels may range from tackable acoustic surfaces to Low VOC paints have improved in their durability making them a viable option for a Benjamin Moore, Duron, IPC, PPG, Sherwin Williams
mineral composite panels to premoulded or painted mdf or resin panels. high use environment. Paint should meet LEED /GreenSeal Standards for all types.
Potential manufactuers may include: Potential manufactuers may include: GOOD – No Recommendation
High Performance Coating: Scuffmaster, MDC Benjamin Moore, Duron, IPC, PPG, Sherwin Williams
Tackable Acoustic Panels: Accutrack
Mineral Composite Panels: Modular Arts Restrooms/ Locker Rooms
Pre-Moulded MDF: Interlam, B&N Industries
Resin Panels: Trespa BEST – High Performance Coating
High performance coatings are defined by the number of Scrubs they can withstand
BETTER – High Performance Coating w/ Decorative Wall Panels before failing. The coating should be water-based, low VOC, anti-microbial and exceed
High performance coatings are defined by the number of Scrubs they can withstand 3000 scrubs.
Adams Park Conceptual Sustainability Study
Plans are conceptual and subject to change