Page 40 - 2011 SDCA Project
P. 40

7-2    GYMNASIUM                                                                  PLUMBING SYSTEM                                                             gallons or less. Low flow water closets may be single-flush or dual-flush. A dual-flush
                                                                                                                                                                    toilet permits its user to choose between two amounts of water. Some Low flow water
        Systems Recommendations  conditioning units and new ductwork.                     Low Flow (ultra low flow), 1/8 gallon per flush models with a battery powered flush   The performance of a flush-toilet may be rated by a Maximum Performance (MaP) score.
                                                                                                                                                                    closets are pressure-assisted (or power-assisted or pump-assisted or vacuum-assisted).
                                                                                               LOW FLOW or ULTRA LOW FLOW URINALS with SOLAR POWERED BATTERY
             The  gymnasium  in  this  facility  has  been  recently  updated  with  self-contained  air
                                                                                               OPERATED SENSOR
                                                                                                                                                                    The low end of MaP scores is 250. The high end of MaP scores is 1000. A toilet with a
                                                                                        sensor is the unit recommend for all new construction and retrofits. These low flow units
             Recommendations for other facilities are:
                                                                                                                                                                    MaP score of 1000 should provide trouble-free service. It should remove all waste with a
                                                                                        provide 85% of the water savings associated with waterless units without the cartridge
                                                                                                                                                                    single flush; it should not plug; it should not harbor any odor; it should be easy to keep
                                                                                        changing costs.
                    FABRIC DUCTWORK
                                                                                                                                                                    clean. The United States Environmental Protection Agency uses a MaP score of 350 as
             An Air sock is a textile or fabric duct used for air distribution and delivery of conditioned
             air  as  an  alternative  to  traditional  spiral  or  rectangular  steel  ducts  with  grilles  and
                                                                                               Low flow equals water savings
             diffusers. Fabric ducts are usually cheaper in material cost, and are quicker to install than
                                                                                               Qualify for USGBC LEED point
                                                                                                                                                                           Reduced water and sewer cost
             conventional metal systems.                                                Advantages:                                                                 the minimum performance threshold for Low flow water closets.
                                                                                        •      Low maintenance                                                      •      Qualify for USGBC LEED point
             Advantages:                                                                •      Installation in new and retrofit situations                          •      Installation in new and retrofit situations
             •      Light Weight                                                        •      First cost is coming down                                            •      Payback around 1 ½ to 3 years
             •      No Condensation                                                     Disadvantages:                                                              •      Environmentally friendly
             •      Indoor Air Quality                                                  •      High up front cost in $ per unit
             •      Silent air delivery                                                                                                                             Disadvantages:
             •      Low labor/installation cost                                         II.    WATERLESS URINALS                                                    •      Specifying the right manufacturer
             •      Simple maintenance                                                  The waterless urinal with wall outlet saves you water and money. The unit eliminates
             •      Wide range of colors                                                water  and  sewer  costs  from  urinals;  reduces  maintenance  and  repair  bills;  and  is   IV.   Faucet’s with LOW FLOW AERATOR and SOLAR POWERED BATTERY
             Disadvantages:                                                             designed  to  create  hygienic,  odor-free  restrooms.  Implementation  and  maintenance      OPERATED SENSOR
             •      Foreign object could puncture ductwork                              guidelines must be understood prior to specifying this product.             The installation of faucets with solar powered battery operated sensors and low flow
                                                                                                                                                                    aerators’ (0.5 gpm), will save the owner money and water usage.
             ALL AREAS                                                                  •      Reduced water and sewer cost                                         Advantages:
                                                                                        •      Qualify for USGBC LEED point                                         •      Reduced water and sewer cost
             I.     ENERGY RECOVERY VENTILATOR                                          •      Installation in new and retrofit situations                          •      Qualify for USGBC LEED point
             Energy recovery ventilation systems provide a controlled way of ventilating a facility   •   Payback around 1 ½ to 3 years                             •      Installation in new and retrofit situations
             while minimizing energy loss. They reduce the costs of heating ventilated air in the   •   Does not require freeze protection                          •      Environmentally friendly
             winter by transferring heat from the warm inside air being exhausted to the fresh (but   •   Does not require flush valve maintenance                  Disadvantages:
             cold) supply air. In the summer, the inside air cools the warmer supply air to reduce   •   Does not require batteries, transformers or electronics    •      Educating janitorial staff on who replaces batteries
             ventilation cooling costs                                                  •      Environmentally friendly
                                                                                                                                                                    V.     LOW FLOW SHOWER HEADS
             Advantages:                                                                Disadvantages:                                                              According  to  the  Environmental  Protection  Agency,  water  use  during  showering  or
             •      Save energy by utilizing recovered energy from the exhaust air stream  •   Educating janitorial staff on what products to use for cleaning      bathing represents 17 percent of all indoor household water use. Water flow and water
             •      Recover about 70%–80% of the energy in the exhaust air              •      Odor or perceived odor related to decreased cleanliness              pressure measurements determine the flow rate of a showerhead. Low flow showerheads
                                                                                        •      Splashing of urine on men’s trousers during use (may not apply here)  (less than 2.5 gpm and 80 psi) restrict the flow of water and reduce the amount of water
             Disadvantages:                                                             •      Reduced flow in waste water piping leading to deterioration of piping  used during a shower. Low flow showerheads benefit the environment while lowering
             •      Installation cost higher                                            •      Cartridge changing costs                                             the owner’s utility bills.
             •      Additional device required to prevent frost formation               •      Material expenses and stocking                                       Advantages:
             •      More maintenance required (cleaned regularly)                       •      Labor expenses and when to replace                                   •      Reduced water and sewer cost
                                                                                        •      Who does the change out? FMS or janitorial?                          •      Qualify for USGBC LEED point
                                                                                        •      Cartridge disposal. HazMat or not?
                                                                                                                                                                    •      Installation in new and retrofit situations
                                                                                        III.   LOW FLOW WATER CLOSET with SOLAR POWERED BATTERY OPERATED            •      Environmentally friendly
                                                                                               SENSOR                                                               •      Easy to install
                                                                                        A pre 1994 flush-toilet or gravity-fed toilet uses 3.4 US gallons or 2.8 imperial gallons   •   Inexpensive
                                                                                        or more per flush. In 1992, the United States Congress passed the Energy Policy Act of
                                                                                        1992, which mandated that, from 1994, the common flush-toilet use only 1.6 US gallons   Disadvantages:
                                                                                        of water per flush. Low flow water closets possess an effective flush volume of 1.28 US   •   None
         Red & Green Scene Volunteer Design Charrette 2010
          Plans are conceptual and subject to change
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