Page 35 - 2011 SDCA Project
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and vinyl solutions. Regardless of solution we highly recommended that tiles over rolled   GOOD – Solid Vinyl Tile                                     on a jute backing. It is a surface that becomes more resilient over time and is recyclable   6-3
           goods to help facilitate in replacement of small areas of worn flooring..  If maintained properly, solid vinyl can have an extended lifespan, prolonging it’s entry to    at  the  end  of  it’s  life.  naturally  inherent  antimicrobial  and  antistatic  properties  offer
                                                                                      the landfill. . A variety of manufacturers make sustainable luxury vinyl flooring options   improved indoor air quality for  high traffic environments.
           BETTER – Carpet                                                            that meet a variety of applications all while meeting budget, durability and maintenance      Potential manufactuers may include:
           Commercial-grade carpet is also an effective solution for this space.  There are many   needs.                                                                Forbo, Armstrong
           manufacturers who offer sustainable products that can meet this need.
                                                                                      Restrooms/ Locker Rooms                                                     GOOD – Solid Vinyl Tile
           GOOD – Solid Vinyl Tile                                                    Flooring in these areas should be imprervious to human waste spills, easy to maintain  and   If maintained properly, solid vinyl can have an extended lifespan, prolonging it’s entry to
           If maintained properly, solid vinyl can have an extended lifespan, prolonging it’s entry to    durable.                                                the landfill. . A variety of manufacturers make sustainable luxury vinyl flooring options
           the landfill. . A variety of manufacturers make sustainable luxury vinyl flooring options                                                              that meet a variety of applications all while meeting budget, durability and maintenance  Interior Finish and Material Recommendations
           that meet a variety of applications all while meeting budget, durability and maintenance   BEST – Epoxy Flooring                                       needs.
           needs.                                                                     A  high  performance  seamless,  polymer  provides  a  durable  surface  that  is  chemical,
                                                                                      abrasion and impact resistant; easy to clean and can incorporate an integrated base for   Cafeteria/ Dining
           Gym                                                                        ease of cleaning and meeting health department standards. Products are available that
           The flooring in this space is in good condition, and we recommend that existing be kept   contain recycled materials and is environmentally friendly.   Flooring in this area should withstand food and drink spills and be easy to maintain and very
           and refinished/restriped using low VOC paints and polyurethane.                    Potential manufactuers may include:                                 durable.
           If  the  floor  needed  to  be  replaced  we  would  recommend  considering  reinstalling  a                                                           BEST – Linoleum (Rapidly Renewable Product)
           flooating floor using an engineered bamboo sport floor for the wear layer, finished &   BETTER – Ceramic or Porcelain Tile                             Linoleum is comprised of natural ingredients including linseed oil, rosins and wood flour
           striped using low VOC paints and polyurethane.                             A  standard  for  many  years,  in  combination  with  an  epoxy  grout,  tile  can  provide  a   on a jute backing. It is a surface that becomes more resilient over time and is recyclable
                  Potential manufactuers may include:                                 durable flooring that will last years.                                      at  the  end  of  it’s  life.  naturally  inherent  antimicrobial  and  antistatic  properties  offer
                  Plyboo                                                                                                                                          improved indoor air quality for  high traffic environments.
                                                                                      GOOD – Solid Vinyl Tile                                                            Potential manufactuers may include:
           Kitchen                                                                    If maintained properly, solid vinyl can have an extended lifespan, prolonging it’s entry to       Forbo, Armstrong
           The flooring in this area needs to withstand food and drink spills, including grease from   the landfill. . A variety of manufacturers make sustainable luxury vinyl flooring options
           cooking equipment, while remaining durable and easy to maintain.           that meet a variety of applications all while meeting budget, durability and maintenance   BETTER – Solid Vinyl Tile
                                                                                      needs.                                                                      If maintained properly, solid vinyl can have an extended lifespan, prolonging it’s entry to
           BEST – Epoxy Flooring                                                                                                                                  the landfill. . A variety of manufacturers make sustainable luxury vinyl flooring options
           A  high  performance  seamless,  polymer  provides  a  durable  surface  that  is  chemical,   Offices                                                 that meet a variety of applications all while meeting budget, durability and maintenance
           abrasion and impact resistant; easy to clean and can incorporate an integrated base for                                                                needs.
           ease of cleaning and meeting health department standards. Products are available that   BEST – Carpet tile
           contain recycled materials and is environmentally friendly.                Commercial-grade carpet tile is an effective solution for this space for both comfort   GOOD – Vinyl Composition Tile (VCT): a variety of manufacturers make options that
                  Potential manufactuers may include:                                 and acoustics.  Special care should be taken in fiber selection. Solution Dyed Type 6,6   incorporate recycled materials.
                  Stonhard                                                            is the current standard for high use environments. There are many manufacturers who
                                                                                      offer sustainable products with high recycled content both in the backing and the yarns
           BETTER – Quarry Tile                                                       along low or zero VOC installation processes.
           A standard for many years, in combination with an epoxy grout, quarry tile can provide
           a durable flooring that will last years. Several manufacturers make quality sustainable   BETTER – Linoleum (Rapidly Renewable Product)
           quarry tile products.                                                      Linoleum is comprised of natural ingredients including linseed oil, rosins and wood flour

                                                                                                                                                                                                         Adams Park Conceptual Sustainability Study
                                                                                                                                                                                                         Plans are conceptual and subject to change
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