Page 34 - 2011 SDCA Project
P. 34
6-2 The following interior material and finish recommendations were made with careful Drawbacks for a renovation using these materials may include necessary modification Lyptus: Weyerhaeuser Lyptus
consideration to the individual functions of of doorway threshholds and material to material transitions due to the thicknesses of Cork: Ceres PVC free flooring
Interior Finish and Material Recommendations
the products.
• spaces within the facility; BETTER – Linoleum (Rapidly Renewable Product)
• the high use of the facility and BETTER – Linoleum (Rapidly Renewable Product) Linoleum is comprised of natural ingredients including linseed oil, rosins and wood flour
• the sustainable features that are appropriate for function and use. Linoleum is comprised of natural ingredients including linseed oil, rosins and wood flour on a jute backing. It is a surface that becomes more resilient over time and is recyclable
on a jute backing. It is a surface that becomes more resilient over time and is recyclable at the end of it’s life. naturally inherent antimicrobial and antistatic properties offer
In making sustainable finish selections there are a variety of attributes that should be at the end of it’s life. naturally inherent antimicrobial and antistatic properties offer improved indoor air quality for high traffic environments.
taken into consideration: improved indoor air quality for high traffic environments. Potential manufactuers may include:
Potential manufactuers may include: Forbo, Armstrong
• Material content of the product Forbo, Armstrong
[from rapidly renewable materials to recycled content] GOOD – Solid Vinyl Tile
• Location of product manufacturing GOOD – Solid Vinyl Tile If maintained properly, solid vinyl can have an extended lifespan, prolonging it’s entry to
• Volatile organic compounds emitted by the product If maintained properly, solid vinyl can have an extended lifespan, prolonging it’s entry to the landfill. Compared to VCT (Vinyl Composition Tile) solid vinyl is more flexible and far
• Volatile organic compounds emitted by the installation process the landfill. Compared to VCT (Vinyl Composition Tile) solid vinyl is more flexible and far less suceptable to cracking. At this time it has limited recyclability, but options are being
• Reclamation possible at the end of the product’s life less suceptable to cracking. At this time it has limited recyclability, but options are being researched extensively by the industry to improve this. Solid vinyl flooring offer more
• Life cycle analysis/cost [an emerging means of measure] researched extensively by the industry to improve this. Solid vinyl flooring offer more support under foot and have a less negative effect on overall physical health. A variety
support under foot and have a less negative effect on overall physical health. A variety of manufacturers make sustainable luxury vinyl flooring options that meet a variety of
Each of these attributes in combination with the facility needs are the basis for the of manufacturers make sustainable luxury vinyl flooring options that meet a variety of applications all while meeting budget, durability and maintenance needs.
recommendations that follow. The recommendations are divided into separate surface applications all while meeting budget, durability and maintenance needs.
types in order to provide a succinct set of groupings for simple review and consideration. ***If the dance studio is a separate stand alone room, then our recommendation for BEST
These groups have levels of material recommendations, divided into three categories: Regardless of type of flooring used in any of these scenarios we recommenda a minimum would be modified to the following for a renovation***
Good, Better and Best with “Best” being our highest recommendation level and “Good” of 6’-0” of walk-off carpet at each major entry point. this would be increased to 10’-0” if
being our minimum level recommendation. pursuing LEED using version 3. BEST – Rubber Sport Impact Flooring
A 100% rubber impact flooring designed for extensive cardio activity will provide comfort
Flooring Multi-purpose Space under foot for dancers while remaining maintainable, durable and environmentally
recommendations for this area are based on the “dance studio” as one of may functions friendly options.
Corridors/ Lobby taking place in the multipurpose rooms. Potential manufactuers may include:
these are high traffic areas that see the most consistent use each day in a recreation center Mondo
BEST – Rapidly Renewable Products - Bamboo, Lyptus or Cork
BEST – Rapidly Renewable Products - Bamboo, Lyptus As noted for the Corridors and Lobby, bamboo and lyptus flooring each can make an BETTER - Vinyl Sport Impact Flooring
When specified correctly, (taking into consideration hardness and surface finishes that attractive, stable, and durable flooring in public areas - one that is sustainable, durable Vinyl Sport Impact Flooring flooring designed for extensive cardio activity will provide
are equivalent to oak flooring) bamboo and lyptus flooring each can make an attractive, and reasonable to maintain. Though cork is not suitable for heavy duty areas, we have comfort under foot for dancers while remaining maintainable and durable.
stable, and durable flooring in public areas - one that is sustainable, durable and added it here as it is very appropriate for a multipurpose space. Cork is very effective
reasonable to maintain. for absorbing sound while giving a cushioned feel underfoot. If considering cork, we Computer Room
Potential manufactuers may include: strongly recommend tiles over rolled product to help facilitate replacement of small
Bamboo: Plyboo areas of worn flooring. BEST – Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) Flooring
Lyptus: Weyerhaeuser Lyptus Potential manufactuers may include: ESD is ideal in areas where static discharge can cause problems (i.e. any area where
Bamboo: Plyboo multiple computers are in use at once). ESD flooring is available in a variety of carpet
Red & Green Scene Volunteer Design Charrette 2010
Plans are conceptual and subject to change