Page 41 - 2011 SDCA Project
P. 41

VI.    SOLAR POWERED WATER HEATER                                          CONTROLS SYSTEM                                                             V.     EFFICIENCY                                                          7-3
           Solar water heating systems include storage tanks and solar collectors. There are two                                                                  The Controls system shall be configured to aggressively apply legacy energy conservation
           types of solar water heating systems: active, which have circulating pumps and controls,   I.   INTRODUCTION                                           methods  such  as  setting  back  all  systems  to  Unoccupied  Mode  (setpoint  setbacks
           and passive, which don’t.                                                  Building Controls is always the most misunderstood and mistreated application of those   are applied) or Off to conserve energy.  Other methods include the tie-in of electrical
                                                                                      included  into  the  Building  Systems  discipline  which  typically  includes  Mechanical-  panels to override most of the lights to Off when not in use.  In turn the lighting systems
           Most solar water heaters require a well-insulated storage tank. Solar storage tanks have   HVAC, Electricity, Plumbing, & Communications.  This industry is geared to provide an   should have a motion sensor built-in the room light switch to turn Off room lights when
           an additional outlet and inlet connected to and from the collector. In two-tank systems,   “all inclusive” stream of technologies and information for which the potential Owner/  Unoccupied for more than 10 minutes (adjustable).   The HVAC system shall incorporate  Systems Recommendations
           the solar water heater preheats water before it enters the conventional water heater. In   User tends to acquire a certain level of automated advantages that includes a myriad of   a single t-stat per room to increase the system controllability while ensuring expected
           one-tank systems, the back-up heater is combined with the solar storage in one tank.  little conveniences.                                             comfort.

           Advantages:                                                                In short the Adams Park Community Center needs a “smart” controls system configured   VI.   GREEN ENERGY
           •      Reduced energy usage                                                to be “User Friendly” in terms of the non-technical staff that administers or run the place.  The Controls system shall be incorporate site sub-metering for gas, water, and power.
           •      Qualify for USGBC LEED point                                                                                                                    These  values  can  be  read  &  logged  remotely  in  order  for  the  Administrative  rep.  to
           •      Installation in new and retrofit situations                         II.     OPERATION                                                           verify that actual billings are accurate.  If any form of Renewable Energy source is added
           •      Environmentally friendly                                            This  system  should  offer  a  web-interface,  dedicated  interface  screen  or  dedicated   such as solar panels then the User screen interface can dynamically show how much
           •      Easy to install by experienced installer                            button-switch panel that allows Administrative Users to set areas of the building as   energy is saved from the grid or better yet sold back to the grid thus making the site a
                                                                                      Occupied, Unoccupied, or Off via schedules or time-based overrides to allow usage for   truly sustainable place.  Finally the HVAC system shall potentially incorporate a passive
           Disadvantages:                                                             random events.                                                              exhaust  to  supply  air  heat  exchanger  to  reduce  energy  consumption.   Temperature
           •      New technology for the user - requires training                                                                                                 sensors can be added to both upstream and downstream side of each air stream in
                                                                                      Upon setting systems to Occupied Mode the Controls system shall be “smart” enough   order to show actual energy savings and overall efficiency on the User interface screen.
                                                                                      to index to On and Occupied those mechanical systems (such as air handling unit(s) and
           VII.   RAINWATER HAEVESTING COLLECTION SYSTEM                              exhaust fan(s) associated with the area to be used.
           Rainwater harvesting is the accumulating and storing, of rainwater. Rainwater harvesting                                                               VII.   MAINTENANCE
           systems channel rainwater that falls on to a roof into storage via a system of gutters and   This system shall be a User adjustable “time of use” setting.  Once indexed to Occupied   The  can  include  a  set  of  “smart”  alarms  that  can  notify  Users,  Maintenance  and
           pipes. The collected rainwater can be reused to irrigate vegetation or to water the local   Mode all associated systems shall run continuously until the typical time of use duration   Administrative  staff  of  any  issues  via  e-mail  alerts,  system  alarm  screen  pop-ups,
           golf course. Additional uses of the collected water could be to flush toilets. Local codes   is  completed.    At  this  point  several  space  motion  detectors  shall  confirm  that  no   automated voice dials, text paging, etc.  These alarms can be arranged from the HVAC
           must be understood in order to follow rainwater requirements.              occupant is present in the space prior to setting the systems back to either Unoccupied   failures  to  continuous  water  or  gas  usage  while  all  systems  are  turned  Off  such  as
                                                                                      Mode or simply Off.  This pre-configuration will ease the system utilization on behalf of   normally happens during a holiday period.
           Advantages:                                                                the typical Users who usually are not aquatinted with the technical details to operate it.
           •      Reduced water usage                                                 All systems (existing and new) should be configured to operate as described in order to
           •      Qualify for USGBC LEED point                                        deliver a functional system to the Administrator.
           •      Installation in new and retrofit situations
           •      Environmentally friendly                                            III.    COMFORT
                                                                                      This  system  should  include  a  built-in “Pre-Occupancy  Mode”  function  that  will  use
           Disadvantages:                                                             internal algorithms to determine the best earliest time to index pre-selected systems to
           •      May lead to less water returned to the lake                         On or Occupied Mode so the space(s) are at setpoint at the beginning of the scheduled
           •      Underground tank may be required                                    occupancy.  Also the local screen shall include a pop-up window to flash whenever the
           •      Energy used to pump water to final destination                      systems are indexed to Occupied manually to advise the User(s) that it will take some
                                                                                      time to achieve the desired setpoint(s).  Said screen shall flash intermittently until said
                                                                                      setpoint(s) are achieved.  This feature will avoid the usual service calls generated due to
                                                                                      this scenario.

                                                                                      IV.     MONITORING
                                                                                      Local  monitoring  for  both  local  and  remote  Users  shall  be  limited  to  a  color  coded
                                                                                      command, status and alarm pictorials where a building floor plan depiction is shown
                                                                                      on a screen indication a color for commands (occupied, unoccupied, on, or off), status
                                                                                      (run, on or off), and alarms (text based or equipment codes).  This approach will allow an
                                                                                      effective communication of the system status to both local and remote users.  Typically,
                                                                                      remote users will be the central monitoring office such as the engineering center of the
                                                                                      agency.  Technically driven screens shall be available for maintenance personnel use

                                                                                                                                                                                                         Adams Park Conceptual Sustainability Study
                                                                                                                                                                                                         Plans are conceptual and subject to change
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