Page 36 - 2011 SDCA Project
P. 36

6-4    Ceilings                                                                   sag resistant and anti-microbial is recommended. Cradle2Cradle products are availble.  BEST – Drywall:
                                                                                               Potential manufactuers may include:                                  Painted  moisture  resistant  drywall  is  appropriate  where  it  doesn’t  inhibit  access  to
        Interior Finish and Material Recommendations
             There are several key components for ceilings in recreation spaces that help contribute      Armstrong                                                 mechanical systems in plenum space. Showers should be painted with a scrubbable
             to the overall sustainalbility of the facility.                                                                                                        finish. Paint to be anti-microbial.
                                                                                        GOOD – Mineral Fiber Acoustical Ceiling Tile
             •      Accoustics - for spaces that are a series of hard surfaces, ceilings are sometimes   Standard (mineral fiber) ACT that has a minimum of 50% recycled content, minimum   BETTER – Premium Acoustical Ceiling Tile w/ Rapidly Renewable Content:
             one of the few areas that help reduce rising noise levels. The noise reduction coefficient   NRC or .60, is sag resistant and anti-microbial is recommended.  Products meeting these   Ceiling tile with rapidly renewable content that has a min. NRC of .80, min. LR of .75,
             (NRC) rating helps to evaluate thes attributes.                            criteria exist at all price points.                                         is  sag  resistant,  impact  resistant,  and  anti-microbial  is  recommended.  Cradle2Cradle
             •      Light Reflectance - High Light Reflectance(LR) ceilings and systems can provide      Potential manufactuers may include:                        products are availble.
             the same level of illuminance with fewer luminaries which can assist in reducing lighting      Armstrong, USG, Celotex                                        Potential manufactuers may include:
             and HVAC energy costs.                                                                                                                                        Armstrong
             •      Antimicrobial - in an environment that has a constant stream of people day in   Gym
             and day out it is prudent to incorporate antimicrobial properties in the products to assist                                                            GOOD – Mineral Fiber Acoustical Ceiling Tile
             in inhibiting microbial growth.                                            The ceiling in this area is beautiful and in good condition, and we recommend that the   Standard (mineral fiber) ACT that has a minimum of 50% recycled content, minimum
             •      Material Content - Recycled and renewable raw materials reduce consumption   existing remain with minor repairs.                                NRC or .60 and is sag resistant and anti-microbial is recommended.  Products meeting
             of  energy  and  resources  without  diminishing  the  long-term  performance  of  our                                                                 these criteria exist at all price points.
             products.  Acoustical Wood Ceilings, Mineral Fiber Ceiling tile, Drywall and the systems   Kitchen                                                            Potential manufactuers may include:
             to hang them can have in excess of 60% recycled content, and can be recycled at the   the ceiling should be washable, moisture and mold resistant and around hood, heat-resistant     Armstrong, USG, Celotex
             end of thier lifespan.
                                                                                        BEST – Scrubbable Ceramic Acoustical Ceiling Tile w/ Stainless Steel Panels at Hood  Remaining Spaces
                                                                                        Scrubbable  Ceramic  ACT  that  has  a  minimum  of  50%  recycled  content,  minimum
             Corridors/ Lobby                                                           NRC or .50, minimum LR of .80 is sag resistant, impact resistant and anti-microbial is   BEST – Premium Acoustical Ceiling Tile w/ Rapidly Renewable Content:
             It is anticipated that the ceiling through these areas may be utilized as an architectural   recommended.                                              Ceiling tile with rapidly renewable content that has a min. NRC of .80, min. LR of .75,
             expression developed to emphasize the relationship between the exterior and the interior of      Potential manufactuers may include:                   is  sag  resistant,  impact  resistant,  and  anti-microbial  is  recommended.  Cradle2Cradle
             the facility.  The BEST scenario illustrates this option. All options anticipate access above the      Armstrong, USG, Celotex                         products are availble.
             ceiling is necessary to maintain equipment and systems.                                                                                                       Potential manufactuers may include:
                                                                                        BETTER – Scrubbable Ceramic Acoustical Ceiling Tile w/ Stainless Steel Panels at Hood     Armstrong
             BEST – Acoustical Wood Ceiling Panel / Premium Acoustical Ceiling Tile     Scrubbable Ceramic ACT that has a minimum of 50% recycled content, minimum NRC of
             As decorative elements wood ceilings should also perform. We recommend a perforated   .55, is sag resistant and anti-microbial is recommended.         BETTER – Mineral Fiber Acoustical Ceiling Tile
             or slat ceiling  with acoustical backer to achieve a minimum NRC of .70 for public spaces.       Potential manufactuers may include:                   Standard (mineral fiber) ACT that has a minimum of 50% recycled content, minimum
             the wood should be urea formadehyde free and can be specified as FSC and/or fire-rated.      Armstrong, USG, Celotex                                   NRC or .60 and is sag resistant and anti-microbial is recommended.  Products meeting
             As wood ceilings are a premium product, we recommend this be used in combination                                                                       these criteria exist at all price points.
             with a mineral fiber acoustical tile with an equal or greater NRC value. See below for   GOOD –Drywall:                                                       Potential manufactuers may include:
             additional traits of this ceiling type.                                    Painted  moisture  resistant  drywall  is  appropriate  where  it  doesn’t  inhibit  access  to      Armstrong, USG, Celotex
                    Potential manufactuers may include:                                 mechanical systems in plenum space. Paint to be anti-microbial.
                    Armstrong, USG                                                                                                                                  GOOD – Drywall:
                                                                                        Restrooms/ Locker Rooms                                                     Painted drywall is fairly easy to maintain however may inhibit access to mechanical
             BETTER – Premium Acoustical Ceiling Tile w/ Rapidly Renewable Content:     ceiling in these areas needs to be moisture & mold resistant                systems in plenum space.
             Ceiling tile with rapidly renewable content that has a min. NRC of .80, min. LR pf .75, is

         Red & Green Scene Volunteer Design Charrette 2010
          Plans are conceptual and subject to change
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