Page 41 - 2012 SDCA Project
P. 41
because of wood doors and casework, but we believe this This does not have to be costly and can educate the
can be achieved at no additional cost. community and make the users feel more involved in the
- The remaining strategies in this category have to do building, while setting a good example for everyone.
with the design of the lighting and HVAC systems. Providing - Can the maintenance staff utilize green cleaning
for better occupant control of these systems allows for materials in the building? These products are becoming
a more user-friendly and healthier environment. A follow more and more available at no added costs, and it only
up survey is recommended to ensure the occupants are makes sense to protect the environmental standards that will
comfortable with the end results. Incorporating sufficient be established for the renovated building.
lighting and thermal controls into the design now is much - Exemplary performance should be possible in the
more cost efficient than trying to add them later. We recycled content and water efficiency categories with careful
recommend including these strategies into the design now attention to the program by all. There may be others, but this
where possible. should be a minimum.
- Strategies for day lighting and views to the exterior have
been mentioned above and should definitely be included. In summary, sustainability is not just about points on a
Fortunately, the existing building is well set up for this. checklist, but about doing what makes sense to protect
and sustain our planet while improving the quality of our
INNOVATION IN DESIGN lives and the lives of our children. We have used the LEED
checklist as a guideline to discuss these points, but it is up
This category allows for going above and beyond to the owner, design and construction team to ensure that
specified thresholds for things like recycled content and sustainable goals are incorporated into the program goals
also for introducing innovative ideas that can enhance of the project from the very beginning. Then, to see them
the sustainable footprint of the building. This is where the followed through to ensure the highest quality space and
creativity of a team environment can be very beneficial and grounds are created for the benefit of the community and for
produce some good ideas and better results. the efficient and economical use of our resources.
- As this is a community use building, it is advisable
to incorporate an educational program of the sustainable
aspects and strategies that have been used in the building.