Page 38 - 2012 SDCA Project
P. 38



        The suggested interior, architectural, and landscape designs  proposed for achieving similar results at less or no premium                                 space, it will introduce green space and open areas for the
        that are presented for this project have already incorporated  costs. It might also result in higher certification levels and                              public, which will then be designed to beneficially manage
        many sustainable features. The purpose of this narrative is                   corresponding life cycle savings within the established                      storm water and provide shade and reflective hardscapes for
        to further elaborate the various sustainable strategies that                  budget. There is also the possibility of receiving specific                  an enjoyable atmosphere and experience.
        should be considered in the proposed renovation of the                        donations for some of these strategies (e.g. solar panels)                   Our recommendations to further these advantages are:

        building and surrounding community.                                           that would lessen any first-costs.                                           -       Provide bicycle racks for better non-vehicular access
                                                                                                                                                                   as well as preferred parking for low emitting vehicles and car
        LEED® (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design)                         Our recommendations will follow the LEED organization of                     and van pools.

        is a 3rd party green building rating system developed by the  site, water efficiency, energy and atmosphere, materials and  -                                      Ensure that construction activities do not damage
        United States Green Building Council (USGBC). We have                         resources and indoor environmental quality. Please also                      existing green space and restore native vegetation in the
        followed this system in our evaluation of the sustainable                     refer to the specific recommendations made in other areas                    surrounding areas without the need for irrigation, or use non-
        opportunities that this project provides.                                     of the booklet.                                                              potable water for irrigation. We are recommending rain water
        Please refer to the LEED® Checklist that accompanies this                                                                                                  harvesting for the building but this same approach should be

        narrative that lists the various prerequisites and credits that               To start, we have considered that this project would be most  considered for the community areas.
        we feel will be able to be incorporated into the project’s                    applicable to the LEED rating system for New Construction                    -       Use green areas (bio-swales and retention areas) to
        design and construction at minimal additional costs. Some                     (NC) under Building Design + Construction as it will be                      manage and capture storm water and provide irrigation for

        of these items may increase the initial cost of materials                     100% owner-occupied.                                                         plantings.
        or systems to be included in the project, but should be                                                                                                    -       Provide reflective hardscapes, such as light colored
        considered along with the energy and water savings over                       SITE                                                                         pavers, that do not contribute to heat island effects.
        their life span, as well as in conjunction with their health                                                                                               -       Additionally, exterior lighting and lighting that escapes
        and environmental benefits. One aspect that should                            The building site is established and not intended to                         from the building should be designed to minimize light

        be mentioned is that a LEED project (and any green or                         change. The larger vision of incorporating the building                      pollution to the surrounding areas, while maintaining proper
        sustainable project) lends itself to an integrated design-build  into the surrounding area for the community offers many                                   safety and security.
        approach, such as has already begun with this project. One                    opportunities to enhance and protect the environment.

        advantage of this approach is that preliminary estimates can  By its location, there is public transportation and trails within
        be done in early design stages resulting in options                           walking distance. The building will serve as an attraction
                                                                                      and focal point to invite public to the area. With community
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