Page 39 - 2012 SDCA Project
P. 39
WATER EFFICIENCY ENERGY & ATMOSPHERE We would also recommend supplementing the existing roof
insulation where possible. Though the existing HVAC system
Saving on the use of potable water in our buildings should While this category can add the most cost to a project, it is fairly new, we recommend replacing it with a much more
be standard design protocol in our area, and the good thing can also provide the most savings over time. Any strategy efficient Variable Refrigerant Flow system. This system uses
is, it is much easier to do than in previous years. There are considered should also include an analysis of the “pay-back varying conditions of the building to balance the cooling or
many water saving plumbing fixtures now available that period”, or how long it would take to recoup any premium heating loads and thus provides greater energy efficiency
should not add any premium costs to the project. Depending installation costs in savings over time. and comfort. At the same time, an Energy Management
on the owner’s maintenance program, there are even - The first prerequisite for this category (Commissioning) System should be considered that can provide more flexible
waterless fixtures that can be considered. will probably add some cost to a project of this type. operating environments in all areas to meet the different
Basic commissioning must be done regardless. We also usage needs of the building and save energy by doing so
Our recommendations in this area are: recommend the enhanced commissioning be done as well. (e.g. raising or lowering temperatures when the building is
- As mentioned above, consider restoring the There are generally many benefits to the added expense, not in use). Another strategy that has not been included, but
surrounding vegetated areas to native plants that do not including systems that perform to their design capabilities should be investigated further, is the possibility of installing
require irrigation. and a follow up survey to ensure it continues. This cost is a geo-thermal system for heating and cooling. Ground wells
- A major approach to saving on the use of potable usually recouped in proper system operations. could be drilled in the open community areas and utilized for
water and sewage conveyance in buildings can be the - Optimizing energy performance entails not only multiple buildings in the area. This system has a high initial
installation of a grey water system to flush toilets and looking at the HVAC systems, but also the lighting systems cost, but pays back over time by not using any electricity or
urinals. At the building, consider the installation of roof and the building envelope. The interior lighting should be fossil fuels for heating or cooling.
gutters that can direct the roof run off to an above-ground designed to take advantage of natural day light wherever - While solar panels come with a high first cost, you
cistern that can be located under the deck at the rear of the possible. Because of the public and sometimes sporadic essentially are getting free power after that. We believe
building. This can then be used for irrigation and for flushing use of many of the rooms, it is also recommended that that the existing roof could be used to mount PV panels
of toilets. occupancy sensors be installed to turn off lights when not in (Photo-Voltaic panels produce electricity directly from the
- Use low flow plumbing fixtures and faucets throughout. use. In any case, more efficient fluorescent bulbs should be sun’s rays). This would feed directly into the building’s power
Sinks and lavatories should all be low flow. Consider installed for energy savings (T-8). Using LED lights will offer system. When producing more electricity than is consumed
automatic valves at lavatories and flush fixtures. 1 pint even further life cycle savings, though the initial cost is more by the building, this can be fed back into the “grid” with
urinals and 1.25 gal toilets should be available. Purchase expensive. The existing windows should all be replaced with corresponding credit from the power company. We did
only water-saving appliances (e.g. dishwashers). more energy efficient insulating glass with low-e coatings. not, however, include a solar hot water system to provide