Page 40 - 2012 SDCA Project
P. 40
- We did not include adding means to measure and Diverting 75% or more of this waste is not uncommon. that measure the carbon dioxide concentrations in areas
verify energy consumption in the building, or for the owner - Materials reuse has not been included in our initial where groups congregate. These will show an alarm if the
to purchase green power, but these items should be review, but should be considered if the opportunity arises, concentrations reach elevated levels so additional fresh air
investigated further as the program and design progresses. such as reclaimed flooring or exterior stone. can be introduced.
- Using construction materials that contain high - Increased ventilation rates have not been included
MATERIALS & RESOURCES percentages of recycled material and/or are obtained within because of the initial cost and increased energy usage to
500 miles is very obtainable these days and should be condition more outside air into the building. This strategy
This category includes many items that are instituted in the included in the project’s specifications. should be reviewed further when the design engineers have
construction phase, as well as the design phase. Executing - Selecting rapidly renewable materials and certified been retained.
construction waste management and using local materials wood can be more challenging and why we have not - Indoor air quality during construction should be
with high recycled content rely upon the contractor’s included these strategies in our review. They should, standard construction practice, but again, should be spelled
procurement expertise as much as the designer’s material however, be considered further in the design process to see out in the approach to ensure it is included. Indoor air
selection. These strategies should be made a part of the if they could be feasible. quality before occupancy will probably require the testing
Project’s approach so that all participants clearly understand option. The testing option requires air quality testing after all
what will be required of them. There should be no additional construction operations have been completed to ensure that
costs for incorporating these into the project. INDOOR ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY the proper materials have been installed and procedures
Specifically: have been followed. This will involve some testing costs, but
- Providing for occupant waste recycling is a As in materials and resources, there are a number of will not require a delay before occupancy. We recommend
prerequisite and must be included. We feel this should be a possible credits that rely upon the contractor’s execution that both construction and occupancy strategies be
part of all public buildings in any case. and should be clearly spelled out in the project approach. attempted.
- The renovation portion should qualify for reusing Again, these items should not necessarily mean additional - Most standard construction materials are available
the building’s structure and skin and possibly the interior costs, just careful planning and follow through. The design these days with low VOCs (volatile organic compounds)
partitions. team should also be aware of all the prerequisites and and without much, if any, additional costs. Adhesives
- Construction Waste Management consists of ensure they are incorporated into the design. Since most and sealants, paints and coatings and flooring systems
segregating all construction waste, either on or off site, and of us spend at least 90% of our days inside buildings, this are widely available and have been included in our
ensuring as much of this waste is sent to recycling as possible. category can directly impact the quality of life we enjoy. recommendations. Using composite wood with no added
- Outdoor air monitoring involves installing CO2 sensors urea formaldehyde may be a bit more difficult, mostly
40 RAGS 2012