Page 46 - 2011 SDCA Project
P. 46

8-4    ENERGY & ATMOSPHERE                                                                                                        2009                          Date:       21-Feb-11              New Construction (NC)
                                                                                                                                                                                                             For use with:
        Sustainability Recommendations  back period”, or how long it would take to recoup any premium installation costs in   ATLANTA GA -  No  Energy & Atmosphere   Sales Tax  Cost Impact                  Comments
             While this category can add the most cost to a project, it can also provide the most
                                                                                           LEED Version 2009 BD&C Project Analysis and Budget
             savings over time. Any strategy considered should also include an analysis of the “pay-
                                                                                           ADAMS PARK RECREATION CENTER
             savings over time.
                    The first prerequisite for this category will probably add some cost to a project
             of this type. Basic commissioning must be done regardless. We also recommend the
                                                                                                                                                                       35 Points
             enhanced commissioning be done as well. There are generally many benefits to the
                                                                                                                                                                                                This is a prerequisite, and will add some cost to the project
             added expense, including systems that perform to their design capabilities and a follow
             up survey to ensure it continues.
                                                                                                                Minimum Energy Performance
                                                                                                         Prereq 2
                                                                                                                                                                                                      incorporated into the mechanical design.
                                                                                                                Fundamental Refrigerant Management
                                                                                                                                                                                                     This is a code requirement and is included
                                                                                           Y Y Y         Prereq 1  Fundamental Commissioning of Building Energy Systems  Required    $18,419  Will need a 10% improvement over minimum standards. Ensure this is
                                                                                                         Prereq 3
             -      Optimizing energy performance entails not only looking at the HVAC systems,                                                                                            Per the above note, the design must incorporate additional efficiencies in the
             but also the lighting systems and the building envelope. Mentioned above is the roof   2  2  15  Credit 1  Optimize Energy Performance                       1 to 19   $54,173  HVAC systems, coupled with the envelope to achieve points in this credit. New
             replacement, which should include a much more efficient insulation value. The interior                                                                                        roofing should incorporate added insulation and glazing ahould incorporate
                                                                                                                                                                                                        energy efficient and Low-E glass..
             lighting should be designed to take advantage of natural day light wherever possible.   1  1  5  Credit 2  On-Site Renewable Energy                          1 to 7     $13,923  Provide for Solar Hot Water system. Panels mounted on south side of gym
             For this building, the new addition is designed to provide day-lighting, but inexpensive                                                                                      Commissioning is required the prerequisite, then this should be achievable at
             skylights could also be added to the meeting areas and gym to provide lighting when   2     Credit 3  Enhanced Commissioning                                    2       $10,835               only a little more cost
                                                                                                                                                                                                This should be achievable with current available equipment
             conditions permit. These should be coupled with daylight sensors to dim or turn off   2     Credit 4  Enhanced Refrigerant Management                           2            Will add some cost to the project, but should be looked at to determine benefits
             building lighting when possible. Because of the public and sometimes sporadic use of   3    Credit 5  Measurement & Verification                                3                                 over time.
             many of the rooms, it is also recommended that occupancy sensors be installed to turn   2   Credit 6  Green Power                                               2              This is an owner's operating cost and not a construction cost, but can be
             off lights when not in use. In any case, more efficient fluorescent bulbs should be installed                                                             Subtotal     $97,349
             for energy savings (T-8). Using LED lights will offer even further life cycle savings, though
             the initial cost is m ore expensive. The existing windows and storefronts should all be
             replaced with more energy efficient insulating glass with low-e coatings .There needs to
             be further research and design for the replacement of the older HVAC equipment before
             any  concrete  recommendations  can  be  made,  but  higher  efficiency  units  should  be
             considered than just meeting current codes. An energy recovery system should also be
             considered from the toilet exhausts. At the gym, there is an existing ventilation/exhaust
             system that could be utilized when external temperature and humidity conditions were
             favorable. This could save on using the HVAC system at certain times of the year. At the
             same time, an Energy Management System should be installed that can provide more
             flexible operating environments in all areas to meet the usage needs of the building and
             save energy by doing so.
             -      While solar panels come with a high first cost, you essentially are getting free
             power  after  that. We  did  not  include  putting  any  Photo-Voltaic  panels  (panels  that
             directly produce electricity from the sun’s light) because of the high initial cost, amount
             of space required and the relatively long pay-back period. We did, however, include a
             solar hot water system to provide domestic hot water for the bathrooms, showers and
             kitchen. We believe this will have a much shorter pay back period and be worth the
             initial cost.
             -      We did not include adding means to measure and verify energy consumption
             in the building, or for the owner to purchase green power, but these items should be
             investigated further as the program and design progresses. Incorporating this into the
             Energy Management System is recommended.
         Red & Green Scene Volunteer Design Charrette 2010
          Plans are conceptual and subject to change

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