Page 78 - 2022 SDCA Project
P. 78
The envelope (skin) of the buildings appears to be in relatively good
condition, though water issues are evident in the Hagar House
building and the exterior wood siding is in need of some
This property is a low point for surrounding areas and is challenged
with stormwater runoff collecting at the rear of the building. Many of
the exterior CMU walls of Hagar House do not have any additional
coverings or insulation and are therefore prone to water migration
(dampness) and poor thermal performance.
The wood frame structure is assumed to have fiberglass insulation
between the studs, but as any of these walls are exposed, this
should be verified and improved, if possible.
There is evidence of leaks that appear to be from plumbing issues
(see below) but this needs to be investigated to be sure. It was not
possible to access the roof of Hagar House but there was no
evidence of roof leaks. The shingles on the original building appear
to be in good condition also with no evidence of roof leaks.