Page 41 - 2013 SDCA Project
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service. Before being awarded this title, however, a ship
must pass several milestones. Equipment is installed and
tested, problems are identified and corrected, and the
prospective crew is extensively trained. A commissioned ship
is one whose materials, systems, and staff have successfully
completed a thorough quality assurance process. Building
commissioning takes the same approach to new buildings.
When a building is initially commissioned it undergoes an
intensive quality assurance process that begins during photovoLtAic ceLL decoMpoSed grAnite
design and continues through construction, occupancy, and
operations. Commissioning ensures that the new building
operates initially as the owner intended and that building
staff are prepared to operate and maintain its systems and
bio-retention - is the process in which contaminants and
sedimentation are removed from storm water runoff. Storm
water is collected into the treatment area which consists of
a grass buffer strip, sand bed, ponding area, organic layer
or mulch layer, planting soil, and plants. Runoff passes first
over or through a sand bed, which slows the runoff’s velocity,
distributes it evenly along the length of the ponding area,
which consists of a surface organic layer and/or groundcover
and the underlying planting soil.
Photo-Voltaic – Literally, “light energy”. Capable of
producing a voltage when exposed to radiant energy,
especially light.