Page 39 - 2013 SDCA Project
P. 39

only conditioned spaces required. These are relatively small  residential split system, except they are much more efficient.  browser’s comfort and to supplement the natural ventilation.
        areas in relation to the overall industrial building, and if their            Their efficiency comes primarily from using one exterior

        envelope can be made very efficient per above, they should                    condensing unit to handle multiple indoor air handling units.                Advanced Commissioning is definitely recommended.
        not require a large amount of conditioning and therefore                      By adjusting and balancing the different refrigerant flows
        energy use.                                                                   needed by the multiple air handlers, it saves a great deal of                pLuMbing – The restrooms will be completely redone
                                                                                      energy.                                                                      and tied into the existing utilities that currently service the
        There are a number of high efficiency heating and cooling                                                                                                  building. As in energy conservation, the first task is to reduce
        systems commercially available, but we have narrowed                          We recommend ERV (Energy Recovery) units be used                             the amount of potable water necessary for the occupants.
        down the options to two recommendations:                                      at the toilet exhausts and to introduce fresh air into the
                                                                                      conditioned spaces. This ‘recovers’ energy from the                          We recommend the following:
               Geo thermal field with water source heat pumps                         exhausting conditioned air and uses it to temper                                     Waterless urinals

               VRF (Variable Refrigerant Flow) split systems                          unconditioned fresh air being introduced into the spaces.                            Dual Flush toilets
                                                                                      Economizer cycles (allowing fresh air to enter the building                          Solar powered water sensors
        A Geo-Thermal ground source heating/cooling loop could be  without conditioning) should be utilized when external                                                  Aerators on faucets
        installed by drilling “tubes” approximately 400’ into the earth               conditions are right. Operable windows/doors would allow                             Composting toilets
        and then circulating water through them. in the summer, this  for natural ventilation when conditions are right, but must
        loop would transfer heat from the conditioned spaces into                     have some system of control to know when that is feasible.                   Use solar heated panels to heat domestic hot water (the
        the earth, thus cooling them, and in winter it would remove                                                                                                building should only need a few panels, depending on the
        heat from the earth and use it to heat the same conditioned                   incorporate a BAS (Building Automation System) with the                      café needs).
        spaces. The geo-thermal grid would most likely go in the                      HVAC controls to not only control the systems for optimum
        parking areas, but could go under any non-building, non-                      efficiency, but also to monitor the energy and water usage of                Use rain water collection and storage for potable and non-
        roadway areas (agriculture, e.g.). The grid would be about                    the building (Measurement & Verification). This will allow for               potable water needs (toilets).

        20’ to 25’ o.c. each way connected by underground piping in  optimum efficiencies as well as tracking of usage.
        rows and then connected to a header before going into the                                                                                                  Use above grade storage tanks as close to points of
        building as one set and then into a pump room (hopefully                      For the Warehouse/Retail space – this will be unconditioned,                 collection as possible (possibly more than one, as the points
        centrally located).                                                           but will have natural ventilation with the operable clerestory               of use are at opposite ends of the building) and also use
                                                                                      windows. if needed, fans and radiant heaters on occupancy                    for educational purposes. We will need different filtration
        VRF systems work very much the same as a typical                              sensors can be strategically placed in the retail areas for                  systems for non-potable and potable water usage, so will
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