Page 38 - 2013 SDCA Project
P. 38
Living buiLding
chALLenge &
The Living Building Challenge requires aggressive below during the winter and reflect radiant heat above during same time.
environmental targets be met in all aspects of a building and the summer.
its site. Our Systems Review and Recommendations has The warehouse windows are currently manually operated
focused on two of the many that pose a specific challenge: exterior Walls – Exterior Walls – Existing corrugated for ventilation. These probably need some help in getting
Net Zero Energy use and Net Zero Water use. Basically, vertical metal panels. The majority of the space will be to proper working order, but are a good thing for fresh air
this means that the building and site must produce and/or unconditioned, so the warehouse and retail area walls can and cooling in the summer. An even better thing would be to
capture enough energy or water to satisfy the needs of the be left uninsulated, but any holes/cracks should be patched provide some motorized operators for them and tie them into
building and its occupants. and caulked for a tighter envelope. The same spray-on a building control system to open and close when external
reflective coating could be sprayed on the interior of the conditions are appropriate. For any fully renovated spaces
We have approached our analysis and recommendations for metal panels. All openings and doors should be patched for such as the office and café area, we recommend providing
this by looking at the different building systems that affect its proper operation and tighter seals. operable windows or doors that can allow for natural
energy and water use. ventilation when temperature and humidity levels make this
glazing – Existing windows are steel frame clerestory feasible.
energy – it is always prudent to start with the building’s windows and window walls with single pane glass. Some
envelope (the skin, glazing and roof of a building’s exterior). panes are missing, many are cracked and/or mismatched. In the conditioned office, cafe area and restroom areas, we
The more efficient the envelope, the less energy will be Any missing should be replaced as a first measure, but a recommend the interior side of the exterior walls and roof be
required for conditioning of the interior spaces as well as the replacement plan should be put in place to upgrade the exposed and then a spray foam insulation be used before
spaces being more comfortable. complete glazing system. We recommend a low-e glass any new finishes are applied.
be utilized to minimize heat gain/loss. Assuming it is not
feasible to replace everything at once, any replacement Now, let’s look at the mechanical, electrical and plumbing
roof – ExRoof – Existing cementitious panels to should be on a section by section basis utilizing a full systems of the building.
remain; patch as needed. There is no roof insulation. We upgrade for that section. Certain areas could possibly use
recommend spraying a white elastomeric coating such as a photo-voltaic glass such as “Pythagoras” that reduce heat hvAc (heating, ventilation and Air conditioning)
“Kool-Roof” over the existing roof after patching. This will gain/loss while also producing electricity. As sections are HVAC (Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning) – Whatever
provide a reflective surface to minimize heat gain and will replaced, the metal frames should be cleaned and repaired remains of the previous minimal equipment must be
also help with the maintenance and longevity of the roof. On and painted and new glazing compound installed. it is likely completely redone. Only a few areas of the building need to
the underside of the roof panels, we recommend a spray-on that the existing glazing contains asbestos, so this would be conditioned for occupancy. The planned office area at the
reflective barrier as well. This will help reflect radiant heat need to be coordinated with proper abatement efforts at the northwest end, the new restrooms and the cafe area are the
38 RAGS 2013