Page 40 - 2013 SDCA Project
P. 40

need pump and filter rooms on the interior for this. This                     the grid for net metering, but with advances in electrical                   glossary of terms
        could also be viewable and educational.                                       energy storage in the future, could be utilized to have the

                                                                                      facility completely “off the grid”.                                          Low-e – Low Emissivity. Actually, low thermal emissivity -
        There are plenty of roof surfaces for collection and this is the                                                                                           is a quality of a surface that radiates, or emits, low levels of
        cleanest source for collecting rainwater. Use gutters from                    Use LED (Light Emitting Diode) or magnetic induction                         radiant thermal (heat) energy. All materials absorb, reflect and
        the roof to direct the water to storage tanks with overflow                   fixtures for long life and greater efficiencies. Exterior                    emit radiant energy. Emissivity is the value given to materials
        into the storm system. For irrigation (on-site agriculture), use  lighting should also be LED. Not only will these fixtures                                based on the ratio of heat emitted compared to a blackbody,
        this, or a larger retention area on site.                                     use less electricity, but they also produce less heat in the                 on a scale of 0 to 1. A blackbody would have an emissivity
                                                                                      summertime to minimize additional                                            of 1 and a perfect reflector would have a value of 0. Ratio

        StorM WAter –  coordinate with the site layouts and                                                                                                        of heat emitted compared to a blackbody, on a scale of 0 to
        parking, but use pervious surfaces for parking areas and                      Use daylight and occupant controls for lighting. When there                  1. A blackbody would have an emissivity of 1 and a perfect
        include bio-retention areas and swales or underground                         is sufficient day lighting in an area, then electric lights should           reflector would have a value of 0.
        storage and sediment traps so water leaving the site is as                    be set to be off or dimmed. When a space is not occupied,
        clean as rainwater. See site drawings on the east side.                       all lighting except emergency should be off.                                 geo-thermal – Literally, “earth heat”. A system of using
        Native plants should minimize any need for decorative                                                                                                      the relatively consistent temperatures of the ground, or large
        irrigation, but irrigation should be available for any                        Low voltage systems should include life safety; security;                    bodies of water, below a certain depth to transfer heat to (in
        community garden needs.                                                       telephone and data and any Audio/Video required. Ensure                      the summer) or transfer heat from (in the winter) rather than
                                                                                      coordination with the BAS.                                                   burning fossil fuels or using electricity.

        eLectricAL – it appears that most of the electrical will
        need to be redone from the switchgear to the distribution to                  fire protection – Will probably need to be                                   bAS – Building Automation System, also sometimes referred
        the fixtures and devices. Any new equipment should be high                    completely redone to upgrade to code, though some existing                   to as Energy management System (EmS). A system of
        efficiency. Reduce the need for electrical power by using                     piping may be able to be reused. A combination of wet                        sensors, meters and controls that monitors a building’s energy
        high efficiency light fixtures and equipment and day-lighting                 piping in conditioned areas and dry piping in unconditioned                  and water usage, coordinates different requirements for the
        where possible.                                                               areas will be required. it will not be necessary to tie the                  different spaces and allows for automatic and manual control
                                                                                      sprinkler system into the captured water systems for the                     of its equipment for optimum efficiencies and comfort.

        Provide a PV (Photo-Voltaic) array, probably over the staff                   building. The existing city service can be utilized for this.
        parking area on the south side of the building (this will shade                                                                                            commissioning – The term commissioning comes from
        parking as well). This will probably be tied into                                                                                                          shipbuilding. A commissioned ship is one deemed ready for

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