Page 49 - 2011 SDCA Project
P. 49
2009 Date: 21-Feb-11 For use with:
This category allows for going above and beyond specified thresholds for things
like recycled content and also for introducing innovative ideas that can enhance the LEED Version 2009 BD&C Project Analysis and Budget Sales Tax 7.00% New Construction (NC)
sustainable footprint of the building. This is where the creativity of a team environment ADAMS PARK RECREATION CENTER Burden 36.10%
can be very beneficial and produce some good ideas and better results. ATLANTA GA Fee 5.00%
Ins/Fees 3.19% Sustainability Recommendations
- As this is a community use building, it is advisable to incorporate an educational Yes + +/- - No
program of the sustainable aspects and strategies that have been used in the building. 4 1 1 Innovation & Design Process 6 Points Cost Impact Comments
This does not have to be costly and can educate the community and make the users feel
more involved in the building, while setting a good example for everyone. 1 Credit 1.1 Innovation in Design: 1
1 Credit 1.2 Innovation in Design: 1 Do an educational program throughout the space, but will add some
signage/A/V costs to the project
- Can the maintenance staff utilize green cleaning materials in the building? 1 Credit 1.3 Innovation in Design: 1 Would owner institute a green cleaning program?
These products are becoming more and more available at no added costs, and it only Recycled content at 30% should be achievable with careful material selection
makes sense to protect the environmental standards that will be established for the new 1 Credit 1.4 Innovation in Design: 1 and tracking.
building. 1 Credit 1.5 Innovation in Design: 1
Multiple LEED APs are on the project teams. This cost represents additional
- Exemplary performance should be possible in the recycled content category 1 Credit 2 LEED® Accredited Professional 1 $33,046 costs from the design team, as well as approximate costs for LEED
with careful attention to the program by all. There may be others, but this should be Registration and Certification.
Subtotal $33,046
2009 Date: 21-Feb-11 For use with:
LEED Version 2009 BD&C Project Analysis and Budget Sales Tax 7.00% New Construction (NC)
ATLANTA GA Fee 5.00%
Ins/Fees 3.19%
Yes + +/- - No
2 1 1 Regional Priority 4 Points Cost Impact Comments
2 1 1 Credit 1.1 Regional Priority 1 This will depend on credits achieved above.
Credit 1.2 Regional Priority 1
Credit 1.3 Regional Priority 1
Credit 1.4 Regional Priority 1
Adams Park Conceptual Sustainability Study
Plans are conceptual and subject to change
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