Page 79 - 2020 SDCA Project
P. 79
Sustainability should be integrated throughout every project and has This set of sustainable standards on the following pages were created
been a driver of this design vision. For ease of understanding, a to use as a resource as you begin implementing your project.
number of industry best practices have been outlined on the following
pages for reference and integration. It’s important to note that while These recommendations are rooted in research and based around your
these areas are outlined in different sections, sustainability is most expressed needs and goals.
successful when it’s integrated as a systematic holistic approach
starting with site design all the way through building systems such as Please contact us at with any questions.
HVAC through detailed furniture and finish selections. This integrated
Please note:
approach has been taken with the design of the overall project. All rights reserved.
IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER: This publication is intended to provide general information and
should not be construed as final construction documentation. Consult a licensed professional
to complete any drawings and ascertain that all applicable codes are followed. The SDCA
Board and/or any professional and/or other volunteers who have contributed to this project and
publication shall not be liable for any incidental or consequential damages in connection with,
or arising from or out of, the use of this publication.