Page 74 - 2020 SDCA Project
P. 74
How We Used the Wellbeing Science of Nature and Captured the Love of Life in Your Project
Your organization is doing such inspiring work. Below are some of the many
Our process utilized many research-driven approaches such as environmental
ways we incorporated the healing benefits of the essence of nature
psychology and wayfinding to support your goals, the learning success of your
throughout your site, building and interior to support your goals and overall
collaborators and the overall wellbeing of everyone in your space.
quality of life.
● Site plan that encourages a sense of play, creativity and wonder
One of the bodies of research used was the field of Biophilia-specifically
designed to inspire people to linger and explore in nature individually
Biophilic Design. Literally translated, Biophlia means the Love of Life.
as well as in groups.
● Strong indoor-outdoor connection through elements such windows
Biophilic design can be described as the healing science of nature. Imagine providing optimal views from occupied spaces.
how you feel when you are in nature. Biophilic design seeks to pull that
● Integration of natural materials throughout the site, building and
experience - that sense of intrigue, wonder and awe - into the spaces where
we spend our lives.
● Sustainability strategies integrated throughout to reduce energy and
Integrating biophilia as a design driver for a project’s site, building and interior
water use which educates us on the importance of caring for our
design has been shown to reduce stress, increase learning and productivity
rates, reduce time it takes to heal from surgery, and support the growth of our
overall wellbeing. ● Hands-on learning opportunities such as edible portions of the site
landscaping. This allows the opportunity to integrate the site into
When we are in spaces that inspire us - we know it. We feel it. Biophilic
course curriculum. This can help highlight the growth cycle of life and
design is the research-driven science of how to pull the healing aspects of
care taking to connect students with nature-driven concepts and an
nature into our everyday spaces.
ecosystem larger than themselves.
The field of biophilia goes far beyond plants, expanding into over 73 attributes.
The goal is not to integrate all 73 of course. The goal instead, is to identify the
essence of this projects’ sense of place and align this with the project goals for If you have any questions on the integration of biophilia, its benefits and
organizational success. This is done best through a collaborative and project or course-curriculum integration approaches please contact Bonnie
integrative process involving key project stakeholders throughout the design Casamassima at or 404.953.9037. I’m
process-like the one used for this project. happy to speak to your class or share a lunch and learn conversation.