Page 18 - 2013 SDCA Project
P. 18

the proceSS:



        the chArette And concept                                                      serving more than the direct needs of the LBC.  The “live,
                                                                                      work, play.”  Layered on top of this core was a fundamental

        The Charette, which was held at the Lifecyle Building                         desire to respect and reinvigorate the wonderful building that
        Center, was a 9-hour design session where the group                           they occupy by highlighting the long sight lines, industrial
        worked collectively to finalize answering questions from the                  elegance, and strength of the spaces and structure.
        pre-charette and to move forward with a design direction.

        Utilizing the design vision and mission that were established
        during the pre-charette, three sub-teams were formed. One
        team focused on the site and exterior, another team focused
        on the Living Building Challenge and how systems could be

        utilized to achieve this, and the third team focused on the
        interior. Forming groups allowed each team to dive deeply
        into the details of each area. Throughout the day the teams
        reconnected to share their process and connect all portions

        of design into a holistic solution that celebrated the vision
        and mission of the LBC.

        Our design proposal for the LBC to create a live, work, play,
        learn environment developed from a few key drivers. First,
        the sustainability tenets of the Living Building Challenge
        as an integral piece of the Lifecycle Building Center’s

        mission are foregrounded in everything we did. The “learn.”
        Secondly, the scale of the property and building (3.69
        acres and 60,400 s.f. on level one and 10,600 s.f. on the
        mezzanine) required this be a community scaled project

        18 RAGS 2013
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