Page 14 - 2013 SDCA Project
P. 14


        THE CLiENT mEETiNG


        the proceSS                                                                   the pre-chArette                                                             How do we celebrate the place and mark it for the

                                                                                                                                                                   neighborhood and city as a new active node?
        cLient SeLection                                                              The pre-charette meeting was an opportunity for the
                                                                                      committee to discuss the program for the facility as well as                 How do we create innovative experiences?
        Our collaborative outreach effort began with the approval                     to form a mission statement and vision statement. Team
        of the project by the Red and Green Scene Strategic                           members brought in preliminary inspiration images that

        Committee. Presentations were made by committee                               were presented and viewed. The group was then was
        members for possible options for the 2013 project. The                        broken into teams and tasked with providing ideas for
        Lifecycle Building Center became the clear choice due to                      programming. After re-grouping, key themes and ideas were
        their location, mission, support and potential for executing                  further explored and finalized. These ideas came together
        the work of the committee. Furthermore, the committee                         to generate the formal statements and provided the ground
        felt that the Lifecycle Building Center Organization has the                  work for the design concept.
        ability to positively impact the local community surrounding
        the center, as well as the greater Atlanta metro Area, thereby  our MiSSion
        providing the opportunity for an expansive population to reap

        the benefits of the project work.                                             To serve as a catalyst for the community eco-district by
                                                                                      combining components of live, work, play, and learn.
        the cLient Meeting
                                                                                      our viSion
        The initial client meeting gave committee members the

        opportunity to meet with Shannon Goodman, Executive                           To create a new Atlanta attitude that values resources,
        Director, and Adam Deck, Director of Operations. Shannon                      reuses materials, and conserves our environment.
        and Adam shared the story of the Lifecycle Building Center,
        as well as short and long-terms goals for the facility and                    The meeting ended with a series of questions that would
        organization. Prior work, which was accomplished by the                       drive the upcoming Charette:
        design firm Perkins + Will and other consultants, was also
        shared and a broad overview of their plans were presented                     How do we bring the community in, engage them in a multi
        to the team.                                                                  layered experience and send them away changed?

        14 RAGS 2013
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