Page 20 - 2013 SDCA Project
P. 20
diStrict And
Site propoSAL
Site deSign We maintain the murphy Avenue street front as the formal
face of the property and add a public plaza space which
Early in the process, the LBC recommended that we propose creates opportunities for special events and acts as a
a solution which took advantage of the parcel immediately billboard to auto and MARTA traffic along Murphy Avenue.
to the north of the site. This created new opportunities to
imagine an impactful change to the property. These functional improvements opened up other site
opportunities. A proposed Trees Atlanta tree farm,
The site is re-organized for effective auto and pedestrian flow. greenhouse, and cistern will have positive environmental
Retail visitors park in a 120 space gravel lot / grove to the impacts. A playground will enhance the sense of community
north of the building. Beneath the parking, a geothermal field and create stronger connections between the LBC and the
is buried. material drop off is accommodated south of the Capital View and Adair Park neighborhoods. Veteran’s
building where loading docks and drive-in drop off has been housing units created from recycled containers are located
created. Solar panel shades over the material lay-down area along the Beltline spur providing both a needed regional
collect power for the building and keep the area cooled. service and scale transition from the massive industrial
structure to the residential scale of the neighborhood.
New access from Sylvan Road helps make this clear
circulation possible and enhances connections to the The social, environmental and aesthetic impact of these
neighborhood and Atlanta’s Beltline. A strong pedestrian site improvements in creating a “live, work, play, learn”
axis from a proposed Beltline spur extends through the lobby environment feed directly into the Lifecycle Building Center’s
creating a prime walking and biking route for shoppers that is mission and will meet our goal of seeding a new eco-district in
not compromised by auto circulation. the southwest.
main entries for retail shoppers, the community room and
neighborhood cafe are generated along the north loading
dock of the building creating a more open, neighborhood
directed means of experiencing the building.
20 RAGS 2013