Page 10 - 2013 SDCA Project
P. 10
goALS of
the cLient
provided by the LifecycLe Offer home performance improvement classes focused on Begin offering staff-run residential deconstruction services in
buiLding center: energy savings. 2013, with particular focus on kitchen strip-outs.
fAciLity goALS Potentially incorporate onsite nursery area for collaboration Engage with surrounding neighborhoods to support home
with Trees Atlanta (nearby parks & BeltLine walking trail.) repair projects, hire staff, & eventually provide Community
Establish long-term stability through facility purchase or Center for meetings/classes/events .
lease-purchase agreement. Offer biodiesel collection, processing, & distribution
Develop Deconstruction Training Program (possibly focused
Bring facility up to current code/ADA standards; ideally with inspire additional development efforts along murphy Avenue on returning veterans.)
a portion (30%?) of construction services provided pro bono.
Use facility as green building teaching tool for community Hire 1-3 staff members per year, with an eventual goal of 20-
Develop a safe, efficient system for donor/customer flows 30.
and material processing. Achieve Living Building Challenge Certification
Increase number of material donations to nonprofits,
Create a well-organized, but flexible, retail layout (potentially orgAnizAtionAL goALS focusing particularly on schools in 2013.
segregate residential & commercial materials.)
Raise $200,000 in 2013 for LBC Operations, including Expand our Board of Directors to include individuals with
Potentially sublease portions of space, including front office completion of online material database (+/- $50K.) experience in nonprofit management, fundraising, financial
areas, Butler building, or mezzanine areas. management, and human resources.
Achieve $100K in material sales in 2013 & increase sales by
Create Green Building Education Kiosk with fact sheets from $100K each year until financially self sufficient in 2017. Develop Home Performance Loan Program & Urban
Southface, EPA, DOE, HUD, GEFA. Forestry Collaborative Project.
Expand store hours to 5 days/week by 2014; 7 days/week
Provide a Community Shop Space and offer woodworking by 2015.
10 RAGS 2013