Page 48 - 2012 SDCA Project
P. 48


        From the Co-Chairs

        Six organizations that are invested in sustainable design

        came together to generate recommendations, to create this
        booklet, and to assist Arabia Mountain Area Alliance with
        the re-design and re-purposing of the Lithonia Woman’s
        Club. This group of professionals volunteered their time,
        their knowledge, and their efforts to give back to provide
        assistance to a city in need of a change.

        The collaboration of the teams was seamless. Thirty
        individuals who, for the most part, did not know one another,
        and who came from different professional backgrounds,
        were able to pull together to generate the recommendations

        illustrated within this booklet through an on-ground series
        of gatherings and online communications in a few months
        while maintaining their regular work hours and loads.  We
        wanted to make a difference.

        Through this effort, we expanded our vision outside of the
        Lithonia Woman’s Club site to include the surrounding
        areas. We did this with past studies in mind, being conscious
        of not re-doing but instead expanding the vision.  We hope

        you will find this useful and that it will help provide guidance
        in the years to come.

        Liset Robinson & Richard Nelson
        Co-Chairs – 2012 R&GS Community Outreach Committee

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