Page 10 - 2022 SDCA Project
P. 10

Properly designed goals need a vehicle to push an organization forward.
                                       A well-prepared concept will unify an organization and inform decisions.

                 INTERRUPT  HOMELESSNESS                    ENGAGE THE COMMUNITY                          BALANCED SUSTAINABILITY

           Expand the overall community well-being    Connect the clients of the homeless shelter   A sustainable, healthy, safe, and beautiful
           by making sure that the care needs are     with strategic partners in the community that   facility is the goal of DCM, SCAD and SDCA.
                                                      can be a bridge for them in providing safe and
           considered while a family is experiencing                                              In addition to reducing their environmental
                                                      secure opportunities for growth.
           a difficult season.                                                                    footprint, creating sustainable spaces for
                                                                                                  both clients and staff will allow all to be able
                                                                                                  to focus on the organization’s primary focus.

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