Page 63 - 2020 SDCA Project
P. 63
For energy, it is always best to start with the building’s envelope (the
skin, openings and roof of a building’s exterior). The more efficient the
envelope, the less energy will be required for conditioning of the interior
spaces and the spaces will be much more comfortable to occupy.
Another goal of this approach is to make the ongoing utility costs as low
as possible (and thus concentrate more of the budget on services), as
well as to make the buildings more comfortable and easy to maintain.
Although the existing windows are insulating glass in aluminum frames,
they are old and not in great condition and are not as energy efficient as
current ones. The windows and exterior doors should all be replaced
with new, energy efficient glazing systems. A thermally broken,
aluminum clad wood type system with insulating glass and low-e
New aluminum Existing windows coatings would be appropriate for this building. They could be operable,
clad wood window showing with measures to limit child accessibility, or not.
section condensation
The exterior brick seems to be in pretty good condition, but there were
glazing with a
low-E coating a few areas where penetrations for HVAC piping were not properly
helps minimize sealed and some deterioration of the brick joints has occurred. It is
heat transfer
and solar gain recommended to patch and seal any deteriorated joints and openings.