Page 23 - 2018 SDCA Project
P. 23

Goals are supposed to be challenging yet realistic. They must include

                                                                                     measurable outcomes and indicators for success.

                            SUSTAINABLE TRANSITION                                              PROGRAMMING FOR SUCCESS                                                               FUNDING FOR FULL
                                            CENTER                                                                                                                                           POTENTIAL

                          Development of a welcoming and                                           Facilitate and deliver innovative                                          Given that funding must be secured to

                          positive campus that reflects a                                          programs that are designed to equip                                        reach the full potential, our initial focus

                          welcoming and safe environment at                                        and empower the residents of                                               is to cast a vision for the possibilities

                          every turn is envisioned. Solomon’s                                      Solomon’s Temple Foundation. This                                          of transforming Solomon’s Temple

                          Temple Foundation will become both an                                    engaging programming will include,                                         Foundation into a holistic campus to

                          example for and a leader in sustainable                                  but is not limited to, skills-integrated                                   facilitate their progressive mission and

                          solutions for the homeless community in                                  instruction, empowerment workshops,                                        to attract donor interest to support the

                          the city of Atlanta.                                                     entrepreneurial challenges, and                                            larger full-scale project.

                                                                                                   children/youth programming.

                           Establish a transitional center that will                               Reinforce the incorporation of Life Skills                                  Other collaborative spaces that

                           become a regional hub to develop                                        Learning components, such as spaces                                         support stability and maximize

                           sustainable resources. This will allow for                              where counselors, residents, and their                                      potential are needed, such as a

                           high quality, professional direction and                                children can actively interact with an                                      professional space, additional

                           innovative, problem solving programming                                 array of business, community,                                               volunteer spaces, outdoor dining, a

                           for residents.                                                          counseling, and educational partners.                                       multi-purpose space, and outdoor


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