Page 8 - 2014 SDCA Project
P. 8
Every year, thousands of refugees are
formally welcomed to the United States,
carrying dreams of a better life and the desire
to escape political, religious and ethnic “Refugees
persecution, or the violence of war within their
home country. In the early 1990′s, refugees experiencing
began to be resettled in the community of Abundant life in
Clarkston, GA, a small town located near metro
Atlanta. During this time, the population of Flourishing
Clarkston grew 34% as refugee families from Communities”
over 150 different ethnic groups found a
supportive urban environment for
development and growth. Since this process
began, some 60,000 refugees have begun their
journeys as New Americans in this area. With
so many ethnic groups represented within and
around the city, Clarkston has been called “the
most diverse square mile in America” by The
New York Times. As the refugee population in
Clarkston grew, the need for specialized human
support service organizations became
apparent. Friends of Refugees (F.O.R.) was
founded in 1995 for this purpose by Pat
Maddox, a resident of Clarkston, full-time
volunteer and current active Board member. In These programs include: After School Tutoring,
2005, FOR become an official non-profit Café Clarkston (employment assistance and job
organization whose mission is “to empower training), The Jolly Avenue Community
refugees through opportunities that provide Gardens, Embrace (pregnancy care for
for their well-being, education and expectant mothers), Children’s Summer Camp,
employment.” The program areas are Food and Clothing Distribution, Mommy & Me
CLARKSTON, GA designed to serve the needs of refugees Family Literacy, and the Refugee Sewing
through its workers, volunteers, and support Society.