Page 11 - 2014 SDCA Project
P. 11

The objectives of the JADC are first and foremost to support FOR in its                                        Onsite hospitality services and temporary accommodations (14-day max) will be
             charitable mission. The JADC will be a place that is inviting and welcoming to                                 provided by the full-time caretaker-in-residence. Populations served include:
             the immediate area’s residents.                 With abundant outdoor spaces, family

             community gardens, shaded porches, an accessible streetscape of edible                                         -    Refugee families in the process of “out-migration” with their initial resettlement
             landscaping and public benches, the JADC will create space in which the                                             agency

             residents of this diverse neighborhood can safely share life together. The                                     -    Volunteer teams from universities and other organizations around the country, who
             center features groundbreaking innovation in affordable environmental design                                        currently must commute here from distant housing
             and construction. The building itself will be Georgia’s first Passive House

             Institute of the United States (PHIUS) certified commercial green building, in                                 The JADC will also provide much-needed additional space for small meetings and
             addition to possible LEED certification, with annual operating costs up to 90%                                 gatherings, including:

             lower than a standard building, without added cost over standard
             construction. This kind of building will allow FOR to focus donors’ resources on                               -    Family literacy and afterschool programs
             community impacts, not capital upkeep, and provide a building that is readily                                  -    Trauma counseling and marriage/family therapy

             self-sustaining. This is a significant and important investment in the local                                   -    Healthy pregnancy and birthing classes
             community that also will serve as a national model for innovative                                              -    Office and meeting space for non-profit organizations

             environmental design, construction and mixed-use private sector development                                    -    Small religious services and cultural gatherings
             opportunities. While recently popular in some residential applications in the                                  -    A catering kitchen for growing catering services and for the community gardeners
             South, Passive House has only become affordably viable in high latent

             humidity environments for commercial buildings in the past 5-10 years. The
             JADC seeks to promote well-being, education and employment by being a                                          Because of its uniqueness in environmental design and construction, the Center will

             space where residents can find what they need to become flourishing,                                           serve as a Science, Technology, Environment, and Math (STEM) fieldtrip site for the
             contributing members of the community. There will be offices which can be                                      neighborhood’s schools, and as a technology research site for partnering universities and
             rented by emerging social businesses that support the mission of FOR. Some                                     organizations.        This showcasing of the Center will foster interest in the sciences,

             likely tenants include:                                                                                        appropriate technology, design, construction and ecology, giving the community’s

                                                                                                                            children opportunities to build their own futures in these vocations. The Center will be a
             -    A local housekeeping service that employs neighborhood residents                                          place where both students and teachers can enjoy year-round field trips that enrich such
             -     A speech pathology practice that specializes in accent-reduction classes                                 learning and bring them into creative contact with other communities that can fuel their
                   for New Americans                                                                                        interest, including companies that make possible vibrant careers right here in DeKalb

             -     A remodeling service that grows a skilled workforce while helping                                        county.
                   properties get grants to perform cost-of-living reducing and quality-of-life

                   enhancing ‘green’ renovations
             -     Office space for refugee entrepreneurs in partnership with business
                   development programs

             The community gardens will remain on the site, enhanced by rainwater

             collection from the rooftop and by the availability of a catering kitchen for
             processing fresh produce into several community markets.

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