Page 20 - 2012 SDCA Project
P. 20



        Context | Site                                                                Across the street is an old house that is falling down. Behind  Reinforce and encourage the connectivity and synergies
                                                                                      the LWC building is the broken up paved lot.                                 between uses
        The Lithonia Woman’s Club (LWC) building is in a district,                    Over the years, a portion of the historic downtown has been

        located at the edge of a residential area, that converges with  demolished and replaced with strip retail and large expanses  Reconnect the LWC to the main street retail corridor, the
        the downtown main street and an adjacent light industrial                     of asphalt paved parking lots. One example is what locals                    PATH bike trails and the community at large.
        area.                                                                         call the “Blue Elephant,” a retail building with its large
                                                                                      blue roof that dominates the area when you drive into the                    Encourage adaptive re-use of existing abandoned buildings

        There is an unsightly “found space” located between and                       Downtown from the expressway.                                                and spaces
        behind these three uses. It is comprised mostly of a large                    The Arabia Mountain Trail, a greenway mountain bike trail
        broken up asphalt parking lot that has served the adjacent                    extends to Lithonia, and stops short of making it to the                     In one of our last meetings with the Mayor during our
        retail & industrial businesses. The parking lot is in a flood                 Downtown Area. The Lithonia Woman’s club is situated                         Charette, the mayor noted that the found space between

        plain and appears unused.                                                     between the end of this path and the downtown district.                      all these uses, the large asphalt area, was also used for
                                                                                                                                                                   the occasional outdoor concert. In fact that day we were
        In the vicinity are also the Southern Rail tracks and the                     Program – Proposed Design                                                    noticing a stage being set up and preparation for the concert
        beginning of the PATH bike trails.                                                                                                                         that evening. This generated for us a real excitement over

        Overall, the residential neighborhood is intact. However,                     “Always design a thing by considering its next larger                        the potential uses that could transform this area. Our team
        there are several empty lots scattered about particularly at                  context- a chair in a room, a room in a house, a house in an                 expanded from trying to tie the Woman’s Club building to the
        the periphery and between the LWC and the downtown. In                        environment, an environment in a city plan.”    Erro Saarinen                community, to now trying to tie all of these elements together
        some cases, demolished homes have been replaced with                                                                                                       with the LWC building at the center.

        parking / paving.                                                             Thru the several meetings with stakeholders and from our
                                                                                      several Charettes we identified challenges that we have                      We now saw that Arabian Mountain, the PATH trail, the
        Adjacent to the site of the LWC there is an abandoned                         addressed in our proposed design:                                            railroad, the downtown areas, the sidewalks,  the potential
        Telecom Building.  This building does not follow the typical                                                                                               parks & the music were elements that together could

        setbacks of the neighborhood, and blocks the view to the                      Reinforce and restore current uses, identities’, and                         generate the entire project and could be expanded upon to
        LWC. With no windows it could be considered an “eyesore.”                     boundaries.                                                                  the full potential that this area holds. We are trying to push

        20 RAGS 2012
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