Page 16 - 2012 SDCA Project
P. 16
char·rette [shuh-ret] noun
Any collabroative session in which a group pf
designers drafts a solution to a design problem.
All of the teams contributed to this concentrated effort
conducted from 9:00AM to 5:00PM on April 28, 2012. All of
our available resources had to work under the core belief
that we were providing a measureable value to the client by
addressing specific needs identified by our process work. The
Charette began with the program and ended with the solution.
The photos and drawings tell the story. During the Charrette,
we developed a concept to tie all the parts together – it was
Storytelling. Every person we interviewed and listened to had
a unique and compelling story to tell. We decided that the
building would carry out this legacy.
16 RAGS 2012 Committee Teams Generate Strategies for Design