Page 48 - 2021 SDCA Project
P. 48
The location has the most significant impact on design, and thus the tiny house program. A site visit was conducted, in
which several up-close detail pictures and drone pictures were taken. These pictures were studied in conjunction with
discussions with the Our Giving Garden team to determine the location that would be the most aesthetically pleasing from
the entrance, the most useful, and allow tiny house users the best access to the garden grounds.
Vertical Circle Semi - Circular Linear
○ Less access to shed for some tiny houses ○ Each tiny house has equal accessibility to the shed ○ Each tiny house has equal accessibility to the shed
○ Provides privacy and central woofer area ○ Creates a private bubble for the woofers ○ Less privacy and no central woofer area is created
○ Woofers no longer have a view of the garden unless
○ Harder to expand tiny house village ○ Harder to add more tiny houses because of the limited space
arrangement is flipped so the shed is in the front
○ Can expand to a full circle if more tiny houses are
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