Page 30 - 2021 SDCA Project
P. 30
One of the goals for the WAYFINDING/ARTWORK team was to provide focal
points throughout the Giving Gardens, beginning at the entries. Two entries were
determined to be needed, and signage is provided at both. This will accommodate
staff, new visitors and returning visitors as well as strengthen the circulation flow
within the site.
Existing artwork and outdoor furniture will be placed strategically, will reduce the
overall cost of artwork, and will celebrate the history of the garden. Locations for
art and signage will provide a cohesiveness to the gardens and will provide an
organized flow throughout the gardens while maintaining the individual sense of
wonder from area to area.
The color that is recommended for wayfinding and cohesiveness is red. Many of the
existing structures, like the children's’ library playspace and the campground
benches, have already incorporated this color.
The use of red will begin at the Giving House entry and will visually connect all