Page 15 - 2021 SDCA Project
P. 15
The design process began with a study of all of the existing conditions, including, The Master Plan shall integrate a design that helps with erosion control but also
site, interiors and systems. Maximizing outdoor circulation and providing for filters and diverts water to pond in a way that is safe for the ponds ecology and
functional spatial needs were crucial aspects to consider. Being able to wildlife. Improving the pond habitat, will lead to a healthier ecosystem and more life
accommodate the flow of staff, students, and the community visitors was the for children to explore. This is also an opportunity for teaching children and any
biggest challenge. Additionally, the support provided by SDCA through the design visitors about elements of water conservation and ecology. Integrating native water
and charrette process will generate a key piece in making progress in the garden. plants to the pond to improve wildlife habitats and help with erosion.
This design would enable Our Giving Garden to plan more effectively, provide
needed planning documentation for rezoning, and provide a much needed
reference point to engage community members and vendors in implementing the
design process.
Two major hindrances to the improvement of this space have been limited funding
and lack of manpower/resources. The overall goal for the property is to join the
two parcels by rezoning from a residential space to Community Retail Commercial
(CRC), which is the recommended zoning by the county. The rezoning process
has come to a standstill as a survey is needed on the property. Although Our
Giving Garden did receive a survey last year, it included the neighboring church,
and is not a true reflection of the subject property.
Networking and relationship building is also an important part of the process for
Our Giving Garden. Although they have made significant growth as an
organization in the past two years, they still have relatively little public presence in
the Metro Atlanta community. Through the support of SDCA, the hope is to build
relationships and resources with other organizations in the area that could provide
support to Our Giving Garden as they grow and look for support in implementing
the design of this project.
To expand our reach and better serve the immediate community, SDCA has
proposed to redesign key elements by Integrating beneficial, edible, and native
(when possible) trees through a food forest. This would serve as a local food
access point and provide a habitat for local wildlife. These trees would replace an
invasive privet wooded area. Introducing a landscape design for the park space
that mitigates erosion, and water runoff to the pond at the bottom of the property.