Page 29 - 2020 SDCA Project
P. 29
SITE PLAN The community and ArtsNOW entrance, accessible from Bellview
The conceptual site plan for the Center details the re-use of the central Street, also has dedicated parking and a circular drop-off. The flat area
multi-purpose field with additional adjacent uses to support the adjacent to the building between the two entrances becomes
Center’s classroom and outdoor programs. Additionally, the campus developed with a series of small outdoor work spaces, shaded by trees
becomes open to the local community for events and recreation. New and separated by vegetated buffers. The area also contains a plaza
main entrances are established for the CFIT building, and the campus overlooking the field where a stage or screen can be erected. Fire lane
is divided into zones of use serving students and ArtsNOW staff in access is retained with a clear corridor along the front of the building,
combination with the broader Winder and regional communities. Major with a concrete sidewalk and reinforced turf.
alterations to the building orientation and accompanying site circulation
were developed by SDCA and project stakeholder participants during Downslope from the building, the existing field and surrounding open
the project’s collaborative charrette session. The proposed site space becomes a park-like area with a host of amenities. The grounds
enhancements and amenities are the consensus of CFIT are meant to be a regional attraction. It is large and diverse, including
representatives and community advocates. elements appropriate and accessible for all ages and abilities. The
active areas are colorful and echo the arts and creativity of CFIT. It
The orientation of the building is altered by the elimination of the incorporates niches for stimulating various senses, nature immersion,
existing front entrance, along with the canopy, sidewalk, and driveway and educational elements for music, arts, sciences, and technology.
between the building and field. A new CFIT school entrance is Paved walking paths surround the park grounds and connect all
established. Site driveway entries from Midland Avenue and Church campus elements. Integration of train elements and other historic
Street provide vehicular access to parking and a motorcourt dropoff. features provides thematic and educational stops. Other amenities
This allows for turnaround or through-access around the back of the include abundant trees and naturalistic plantings, benches, assorted
building to Bellview Street. The new entrance is fronted by an entry seating and tables, trash cans, grills, signage, bike racks, lights, and
plaza, and wrapped by a welcoming lawn and garden area with security features. The campus will be furnished where necessary with
capacity for passive recreation, outdoor work, receptions and events, utilities for power, WIFI, AV, water, sewer, irrigation, and drainage.
and art display. The lawn connects to a patio with wide passages to
the entry hall. SDCA 29