Page 23 - 2020 SDCA Project
P. 23

Goals are supposed to be challenging yet realistic. They must include

                                                                                     measurable outcomes and indicators for success.

                               DESTINATION FOR THE                                              PROGRAMMING FOR SUCCESS                                                               FUNDING FOR FULL
                                        COMMUNITY                                                                                                                                            POTENTIAL

                          Creation of a connected and welcoming                                    Continue to facilitate and deliver                                         Given that funding must be secured to

                          green space that becomes a destination                                   innovative programs that are reflective                                    reach the full potential, our initial focus

                          for the surrounding community.                                           of rigorous, innovative teaching                                           is to cast a vision for the possibilities

                          Embracing the environment at every                                       strategies for the 21st century learner.                                   of transforming the Center for

                          turn is envisioned. The Center for                                       The professional learning will extend                                      Innovative Teaching into a holistic

                          Innovative Teaching will become both an                                  into an after school and summer                                            campus to facilitate their progressive

                          example for and a leader in sustainable                                  curriculum in a community hub of                                           mission and to attract donor interest to

                          solutions.                                                               learning to include supporting a                                           support the larger full-scale project.

                                                                                                   residency program.

                           Establish a Series of connected plazas to                               Connect the Arts and Innovation                                             Other collaborative spaces that

                           unify the various entrances for the                                     occurring on the inside of the building                                     support stability and maximize

                           building with the inside. Sustainable                                   with the cultural innovation being                                          potential are needed, such as a

                           Spaces for markets and festivals as well                                developed on the outside. The primary                                       professional space, additional

                           as incorporating the rich history of the                                vision has not changed from active                                          computer labs, outdoor gallery space,

                           City of Winder.                                                         interaction with business, community,                                       a multi-purpose studio, and outdoor

                                                                                                   and educational partners.                                                   environments.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                              SDCA 23
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