Page 15 - 2020 SDCA Project
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As a nationally recognized leader in the field of
arts integration, ArtsNow: Teaching and Learning
Across the Curriculum has successfully
designed and delivered high-quality professional
learning in schools across 24 Georgia school
systems since 2006. ArtsNow engages a
high-quality, senior-level team of coaches and
consultants who provide professional learning
for teachers and administrators that promotes
the use of research-based, arts-integrated
instructional strategies in all classrooms across
all content areas. ArtsNow becomes a strategic Vision
partner with schools to help them achieve their Barrow County School System: Boldly Committed to Student Success
goals, and offers programs customized to meet Mission
each school’s improvement plan. ArtsNow has Ensuring an exceptional education that leads each student to become a high achieving and
been cited as a “resourceful and innovative responsible citizen.
approach to arts learning” in the final We believe that a quality school system...
recommendations from Governor Nathan Deal’s • Provides a world class education in a safe and caring environment which assures each student’s
Arts Learning Task Force (Georgia Council for success. • Enhances individual student achievement through real-world experiences and active
the Arts, August 2015). ArtsNow has had a learning. • Challenges students to exceed local, state, and national academic standards. • Nurtures the
positive impact on teacher efficacy and total well-being, independence, creativity, and talents of each student enabling them to be
school-wide transformation. We have found that postsecondary and/or workforce ready. • Motivates students to develop exceptional critical thinking,
students engaged in arts integrated learning reasoning, problem-solving and communication skills. • Prepares students to be technologically
increase their depth of knowledge, take more literate. • Develops continuous, collaborative relationships with students, parents, business partners,
pride in their work, retain information at a higher mentors and other community members. • Respects diversity and promotes cultural understanding
rate, improve in critical and creative thinking among all students and employees in every environment while supporting hometown values. • Expects
skills, and have fewer discipline problems and all school system employees to recognize that they are a major influence on our students.