Page 32 - 2014 SDCA Project
P. 32
The interiors team will develop the following areas:
Reception Caretaker Residence Offices
The reception area serves as the first point of entry for A two story caretaker residence was added with Offices conveniently located near the reception area, as
all guests and users. The reception area will be a accessibility on the first level for elder parents or a well as the second floor will feature natural and eco
spacious entry point which includes a porch that will disabled minor child that may be staying with the friendly lighting and furnishings that will be used to
provide inviting seating such as rocking chairs, benches caretaker. It consists of an accessible bathroom, provide services such as speech therapy, group and
and side tables for overflow waiting. A memorial wall kitchen and bedroom on the first floor. An additional individual counseling, after school programs, and adult
is incorporated into the reception area which details bathroom and two bedrooms are located on the education programs. In addition to the services, there will
partners who helped to create the JADC. This area will second floor. Access to the porch will be provided also be rental offices designed for shared space and
also serve as informal security for the JADC. along with access to the play area on the first level. secure storage.
Wellness Clinic On Site Nursery Multi Purpose Room
A private Wellness clinic will be created that offers In order to allow users to take full advantage of the There is a multi-purpose room that will be used as a
natural lighting and is a short distance from the multitude of programs at JADC, a nursery is planned in combination auditorium and children’s learning center.
reception area. The Clinic will be staffed by volunteers close proximity to the reception area. This flexible meeting space will be used as a training
in the medical profession to provide basic health space during the day and will be available for booking
services such as health checkups, dental services, and events on some evenings and weekends. The design will
pre-natal services. incorporate flexible partitions to help subdivide the area
into smaller spaces when needed.
Overnight Stay Rooms Food Service and Dining Boardroom
In order to meet the sleeping needs of volunteers and The food preparation will be done in a light, warming A flexible board room is planned, which will serve as a
“out-migration” refugees who need temporary commercial kitchen that is adjacent to an open dining work area for interns and conference meeting room.
housing prior to arriving at their final destination, hall that features an outside dining porch. The kitchen
overnight stay rooms are planned for the facility. This will have food prep tables, warming drawers, a
area will house double and bunk beds and allow the refrigerator and commercial sinks.
refugee families to remain together while in transition.
With the current planned layout of the interior space of the JADC, the Friends of Refugees will be able to serve as a resource for refugees, the neighboring community and
nearby schools under one roof.