Page 4 - 2013 SDCA Project
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        froM ceLebrAtion to Service...                                                a collaborative manner. The Committee elected to work on a

                                                                                      project for the good of the citizens of the Atlanta metro Area
        in its fourth year as a collaborative effort, the Red and Green               by adopting the Lifecycle Building Center (LBC) as its 2013

        Scene (R&GS) Holiday Party 2012 gathered participants of                      service project. Built in approximately 1914 at 1116 murphy
        eight organizations from Atlanta’s sustainable and design                     Avenue SW, Atlanta, Georgia, the structures that currently
        community, including members of the American institute of                     house the LBC played a key role in Atlanta establishing itself
        Architects (AiA - Atlanta), Atlanta Chapter of the American                   as a major industrial and commercial center of the South. This
        Society of Heating Refrigerating and Air Conditioning                         project includes a detailed evaluation of the building and the

        Engineers (ASHRAE), Georgia Chapter of the American                           development of a report that will indicate recommendations to
        Society of interior Design (ASiD), South Atlantic Chapter                     upgrade the building for sustainable use as well as plans to
        of the Construction management Association of America                         make it the first building in Atlanta to meet the Living Building

        (CMAA), Atlanta Chapter of the Construction Specifications                    Challenge. Recommendations and plans have been proposed
        institute (CSi), Georgia Chapter of the international interior                for the surrounding exterior district to make it a thriving center
        Design Association (iiDA Georgia), Atlanta Chapter of the                     for the local community to live, work, play, and learn as well
        Society for marketing Professional Services (SmPS), and the                   as a destination worthy of adjacency to the Atlanta Beltline.
        Georgia Chapter of the United States Green Building Council

        (USGBC). While the celebration takes place in one night, the                  our viSion…
        service has just begun. An annual service project is supported
        by proceeds from the industry’s annual Red and Green                          To create a new Atlanta attitude that values resources, reuses

        Scene (R&GS) end of the year holiday celebration, in addition                 materials, and conserves our environment.
        to volunteered professional services from R&GS member
        organizations.                                                                our MiSSion…

        This year, the Outreach Committee for the Red and Green                       To serve as a catalyst for the community eco-district by

        Scene gathered once again to give back to the community in                    combining components of live, work, play, and learn.

        4 RAGS 2013                                                                                                                                                                                                              mural at LBC
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