Page 29 - 2013 SDCA Project
P. 29
interior propoSAL offer both security and privacy for staff while still remaining community and exterior amenities. The café area will consist
close to all needs of the facility and serving as a link between of a small kitchen prep area, restrooms, and a special gallery
The ultimate goal of the interiors team was to transform an the buildings. This also groups the conditioned spaces. that would serve as a showplace for works of art that were
industrial warehouse into a retail space accented with areas created from salvaged and reclaimed materials. This area
that could interact with and serve a purpose for the surrounding butLer buiLding maybe be subleased in order to bring in revenue to the LBC as
community. The team wanted to celebrate the open feel of well as to inspire development efforts along murphy Avenue.
the existing space while still keeping the ideas of flexible One element of the interior renovation that had to be taken into
functionality and security in mind. Using the project design consideration was the connection of the Butler building to the StorAge And Wood Shop
concept of “live, work, play, learn” along with the functional main building. The Butler building has a higher floor elevation
objectives of the LBC, the interiors team developed the and thus ramps were added to facilitate easy movement Areas in the main building as well as the Butler building
following areas: between the two spaces. were marked for receiving and storage of goods. An area for
a wood shop was provided in order to teach the process of
MAin buiLding retAiL trAining rooM transforming reclaimed goods into saleable merchandise.
With main entrances located on the left and right side of A flexible space was defined adjacent to the office area to hiStoricAL MoMentS
the building for customers, the middle body of the building provide for training of staff and volunteers, such as on how to
was allocated for materials for resale. Along with stacks for remove materials that can be reclaimed from residential and Preserve certain historical elements of the building including:
merchandise, a staff break room was added as well as kiosks commercial sites, as well as training for facility functions. Existing structure of the main building
that serve as educational tools for customers to learn about Clerestory windows.
re-purposing. A recieving and processing area is located cAfé Compressor room.
strategically and at request of the client. Original handwashing fountains with tile floor and walls.
in another nod to the community, the café was created to not
office only serve as a welcome to shopping customers, but also coMMunity rooM
to community groups or individuals who may want to host
Office areas for staff were added along the formal front of a special meeting or event in the space. The location of the This flexible meeting and event space could be booked by
the main building and the Butler building, adjacent to murphy cafe was selected due to the strong architectural elements of community groups and clubs for special gatherings, thus
Avenue of both the smaller and main buildings. These areas the exterior cantilevered roof line as well as proximity to the providing community service and some revenue to the center.