Page 27 - 2012 SDCA Project
P. 27



        The overall mission of the interiors team was to renovate  The Assembly Hall of the facility and the Reception/Library will  Overall, the interior of the Woman’s Center will further the
        and restore the Lithonia Woman’s Club building to reflect the  be restored and preserved. The reception/library will serve as  mission of once again creating a community gathering place
        state of importance in the community that it once held and  a ‘heritage’ space with elevated platforms and museum-like  for the entire community of Lithonia. The interiors team
        can hold again.  The program for  the interior of  the facility  signage.  It will  serve as a starting point for the storytelling  hopes  to contribute to preserving  history while  improving
        evolved to include a restored library in its original location, a  concept to unfold.                                                                       function and creating a space that, in the eyes of a one-time

        multi-purpose space for events, meetings, and gathering, a                                                                                                  worker at the Lithonia Woman’s Center, was the prettiest
        permanent space for displaying important objects, a functional  The LWC Assembly Hall will be restored back to its’ grand  place she’d ever seen with shiny floors and spaghetti dinners.
        but streamlined kitchen and expanded restrooms.                               condition, removing paneling  and parquet to  produce an

                                                                                      inviting space that has multi-uses including event and meeting  We are reweaving the quilt of memories for the LWC. In doing
        This scope expanded onto the exterior of the building with a  rentals, lecture room and permanent  storytelling  through  this, the significant story that this building symbolizes can be
        new deck with the addition of inviting tables and chairs and  historic visuals on the walls. The flexibility and appeal of this  told. The storytelling process can begin.
        a meaningful visual reference to Lithonia. The main entrance  room will add greatly to its revenue producing capability.
        to the facility was clearly defined through the relocation of the

        front steps to create a circulation pattern that flowed into the  The permanent exhibit space will provide an opportunity for
        assembly hall, through the building, to improve visual site lines  residents to temporarily display or permanently donate articles
        and circulation flow through the interior of the space. The new  and objects of their own that have important meaning for the

        rear hall will provide a direct link between the front and the  city. While maintaining the exhibits, the room will be flexible
        rear entrance. Inside the rear door will be series of stacked  enough to provide spillover relief for events and rentals.
        mailboxes that will serve as a place to collect memories and
        share them. Visitors to the LWC will be encouraged to share  The expanded front deck and new side and back decks will
        their stories by writing them down and add place them in a  provide an outside visitor’s center,  particularly  for  users of

        mailbox that another user can read. This adding to the story  the PATH trails, as well as bicycle storage. It will encourage
        element was a significant element that committee members  inside/outside use of the entire building and a connection to
        got excited about, as  a manner to  bring the community  the new park and amphitheatre.

        together and to continue to document the history of the LWC.
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