Page 10 - 2012 SDCA Project
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        THE PROCESS                                                                   their perspective and local as well as regional goals for the
                                                                                      City of Lithonia. It was obvious that these ladies were firmly
        Our collaborative outreach effort began with the approval                     committed to make Lithonia a destination.
        of the project by the Red and Green Scene Strategic                           We were introduced to the Georgia Conservancy
        Committee, and an initial meeting with the client, club                       Blueprints study for the City of Lithonia. This study provides

        members and neighbors. We included the City of Lithonia                       recommendations for revitalization and good reasons for a
        in our conversations as well. We were moved by the stories                    positive vision. Their goal is for smart regional planning and
        told by neighbors and club members alike who, once divided  well thought out community development.

        by racial differences, are united in their desire to see the
        Lithonia Woman’s Clubhouse serve the entire  community                        However, the most important component of the day was
        and re-establish its’ place as a community center. The                        hearing from the former club members and neighbors.
        stories were compelling.                                                      They relayed their stories which were both inspirational and
                                                                                      sometimes breathtaking. They set the tone for the work that

        THE CLIENT MEETING                                                            lay ahead of us, and for the team work and vision that it
                                                                                      takes to make something happen.
        Our Client is the Arabia Mountain Heritage Area Alliance,

        but the recipients of our work will be all of  the residents                  Out of the Client Meeting developed the Project Description.
        of and visitors to the City of Lithonia. Therefore, it was                    The Primary goal for this project is for the Lithonia Women’s
        appropriate that we received input at our next client meeting  Club (LWC) to become re-established as an individual
        from the following: Katherine Moore, Blueprints Program                       resource of value.  Through remodeling and renovation,
        Manager for the Georgia Conservancy who introduced us to  the LWC will be given a new direction, while allowing it

        the project; Mayor Deborah Jackson who represented the                        to continue to serve the community which it inhabits. The
        Lithonia city leadership and brought with her a vision, energy  secondary goal was to establish, as a service resource,
        and excitement for the abundant potential for the City of                     what this venue can do to best serve the city.

        Lithonia; Mera Cardena, the Executive Director of the Arabia
        Mountain Heritage Area Alliance.  Each of them shared

        10 RAGS 2012                                                                                                                                                                                    Taking a Tour of the Downtown Area
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