Page 23 - 2011 SDCA Project
P. 23
Site Recommendations
Pond Edge Focus Area Plan D E
A. Crushed Aggregate Angled Parking with Fitness Path Signage
B. Repair Granite Pond Wall and existing Crushed Aggregate
Figure 4-6: Reconstructed Pond Edge Wall and Path Path at Pond Edge F
C. Construct Wooden Pier at Existing Island G
D. Connect Logan Lane to Pond with Crushed Aggregate Path
E. Repair Irrigation Pump House, extend Pond Wall at pond
edge if necessary
F. Fitness Trail Map at Southern Pond Overlook H
G. Sreen spill-way with vegetation and line concrete with
granite veneer
H. Create Upper Pond Overlook with Fitness Trail Signage
I. Selectively thin invasive vegetation and replant slope with
native material
Adams Park Conceptual Sustainability Study
Plans are conceptual and subject to change